Friday 3 October 2014


Okay, so you all know how honest i can be, and it,s got me into trouble in the past, but that,s because i feel i should tell it like it is, the Ebola outbreak is a Global crisis folks and we should be very concerned, I believe that this contagion is going worldwide.

Just recently it hit Texas, this I did not think would happen, when this hit thats when i realized that the CDC do not have this under control.
There,s conspiracy theorist,s out there that believe this is a population control measure by our underhanded devious men in black agents that nobody ever sees except after a few beers and being spiked with acid, that population control theory is ridiculous.

This disease has come from year,s of living in filth for the people of Seirra Leone, Liberia etc, its got to the stage where a new disease had sprung up and baffled scientist,s that have been ignoring these conditions for many many year,s.

Recently the man from Texas, had his family contained to their home, and then the CDC announced, another 80 people could have been infected, and just so we all know that how now risen past the hundred mark.

The video below is breaking news, I think we should all pay attention, and have a little look, cant be too careful nowadays. Always protect you and your family,s. Health and Hygiene are EVERYTHING.

Okay, so here,s my solution to this problem, its simple, easy and I have no bloody idea why is hasnt happened yet, The UK citizen who contracted the Ebola Virus, as you might all remember was returned to the UK, and CURED.!!  keep a note of that word folk,s, he,s healthy, and home and CURED.!

The video below is all the information i can get on this so called cure, but whats going on folks, is some company keeping this cure until they get the right price?, are they holding it back for a reason?
I dont know but i do know there is a CURE if this UK citizen is up doing news interviews etc, then there is a cure, Give this to the people infected, stop the deaths, and wipe Ebola out, we need to act now with this, you have a remedy out there, now make it public please. The people need it. This video proves he survived and somebody,s hiding the remedy, i want to know WHY.

Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed, i appreciated the continued support.

The Evil Scotsman.

Friday 26 September 2014

                                                           SCOTLAND VOTES NO.!!!!!

So the votes came in folk,s and after 3 long year,s of trying my best on social media to promote a YES vote, i feel i failed, i was feeling so depressed over the past few days, i mean really down.
But we must move on from this, so im picking myself up, holding my head high and still can be proud to say i voted for independence and i believe in Scotland.

I want to tell you a little about the oil in Scotland, we have it in abundance, Westminster didnt want anyone to know this, reason: westminster use this commodity to fund their wages etc, thats why panic stations sounded down south when we stood up and said, we dont need you holding our hand any more, So an invasion of all three parties down south, a load of political B.S and scaremongering, threat,s of job,s, pension,s, student loans, losing our currency and more, I believe made a lot of Scottish citizens change their votes in favour of Westminster, it was unfortunate. What the world were not told is that scotland is moving faster towards renewable energy too, I think we made a mistake and should have voted yes.

Lately on Twitter and facebook hundreds of my friends from around the world have been shocked and blown away by the NO decision as i was, there were rumours of rigging, but i cant be doing with all that, the vote,s are cast the decision is in, so we take it on the chin and march on, still a proud nation, still a proud people.
My friends from Scotland have lately been joining a political party called the SNP (Scottish National Party) Now i do not know about this, my thoughts are everywhere just now, ive been asked to join and represent, you all know i love scotland, but im not a crazy nationalist, i have a lot of different views on scotland, and the way things should be handled over here, in fact i have an idea for a new political party involving the #The45 on twitter (please check this trend my friends and show support for them, these are my people.

Here,s an example of what i said and expected to happen if there were a no vote (and there was).
1. Fracking : I said it would start, and of course rumours abound westminster are planning fracking in scotland soon.
2. Promised Devo Powers if NO Vote: I said westminster would find something else to concentrate on if there were a no vote (and there was) Westmisnster since the vote have said NOTHING about devolved power,s, it has been avoided, and i believe the no voter,s in scotland must be kicking themselves right about now.
3 NHS Privatisation: I told people we need the NHS in scotland in the people,s hands, if course as you know it was a no vote. :  Now: Threats that the NHS WILL be privatized by westminster, this i knew was coming my friends, the the only solution that i can think of is too maybe join the SNP, this is a life choice, I agree with some, in fact most of their policies, but not all , so time will tell, if i join, it makes scotland,s representation down south so much stronger (thats what the #The45 movement on twitter, facebook, you tube etc is all about).  So we shall see, In the coming weeks, i shall make the decision to join this party or not. But one thing i know, we need the representation in Westminster for Scotland that will have the majority of seats.

Once again, i appreciate you taking the time to read this, hope you enjoyed, and all input is welcome.

The Evil Scotsman.

Saturday 20 September 2014

                                                      Trouble in Paradise

For the first time ever i can say i,m ashamed of what,s happening in scotland just now, after our referendum, and a no vote, we stay with the UK, however the night after, there were pro-unionists in george square in glasgow giving nazi salute,s and singing god save the queen, this is not appropriate behavior, and trust me the scots who voted yes, accepted the decision and were just looking to celebrate an excellent referendum, displaying the greatest show of democracy in history, this was a bar setting standard for all voter,s new and old, even people who havent voted before came out in droves, however, this is some of what went on .....  

And there,s been new developments too, and i was kind of expecting this but here we go, poll fixing allegations.

I dont know how this is going to turn out in the coming days or weeks, but the outlook,s bleak as westminster have now confirmed scotland will not find out what devolved powers will be given to them until the end of january 2015, this is 24 hours after the referendum Westminster done a complete U-turn of the offers, which infuriated me, also another thing that bugged the hell out of me was the fact that this was a SCOTTISH referendum, about the PEOPLE, and 10 days before it happened we had an onslaught on visits from david cameron, gordon brown and the rest of the cronies, why were they up here spreading the fear and propaganda?? Ill tell you why, if it was a yes vote, they would be out of a job, and maybe know how 3 quarters of scotland feel.

There,s a big problem here folks, ive said for a while now, there,s problems all over the world because of corrupt governments and unfair treatment of citizens of a so called family, i do not condone violence of any kind, but after the george square incident, i think it might get worse, fingers crossed it doesnt. The world,s gone mad my friends and it,s a disease thats spreading quickly. Who know,s maybe scotlands going to get the chance again, the younger generation also got the chance to vote, 16 year old,s showed an outstanding performance in the referendum, so here,s to the youth of scotland, however therre,s a dark side to this, on one of our question times with the young generation of yes and no voters there were leaks to the public from the kids of scotland, check this out....

I hope you enjoyed this blog, this will be my last one on the referendum, but if anything happens or there,s any trouble, you can be sure, i,ll be on it like ugly on an ape.! and keep you all up to date.

Thank you for reading,

The Evil Scotsman 

Friday 12 September 2014

                                  REFERENDUM FOR SCOTLAND,S INDEPENDENCE

So that,s us into the final 6 days before that crucial vote, that could affect us for the better or for the worse, we all know my opinion on this, im big on the YES vote, iv,e seen nothing from westminster that can convince me otherwise.

Im going to be honest with you now, when i was younger, i watched the news, was pretty clued up on politics, and the history of the UK, but i never voted in my life, the reason for this is because the government in charge of Scotland, were not Scottish, and my vote would go towards westminster having even more control, but the time,s come, MY vote will count, MY vote will make a difference, and when i put that X in the box stating YES, i,ll be the proudest Scot in my town, This is just a short blog, a few statistics, just my opinions.

On the BBC last night we had the BIG BIG DEBATE involving the youth of scotland, this was fantastic, the kids were excellent, the kids that were voting no got a straight and positive answer from nicola sturgeon, which im sure put their minds at rest, and hopefully swayed them to the YES side, and i have to say, the kids on the yes side, were so intelligent, the questions were valid, and again, from the yes side, answers were given, a positive environment, and a great watch. Im sure this debate will have youngsters debating all over scotland, this is good for the next generation.

I hope you enjoyed just a little read to pass the time, and appreciate all who take part in the discussion. tick tock, we,re on the clock now folks.

The Evil Scotsman.

Thursday 11 September 2014

                                                 PANIC AT WESTMINSTER  

So the latest tactic,s from Westminster is a surprise visit by David Cameron, Nick Clegg, and Ed Milliband, in an attempt to sway the scots to stay with the UK. 

Unfortunately Mr Cameron failed to attempt any dialogue with the YES campaigner,s, (only by our t.v screens in a private interview) his main concern seems to be the oil rich north sea, I said a long time ago, this is going to come down to currency threats and oil, which scotland would be more than willing to share with the world.

However, while the no camp from Westminster invaded scotland, our own mr Salmond, and nicola sturgeon were out doing whats best, getting the YES camp stronger and very likely to win our independence on the 18th of this month, its getting exciting now folks. 

I have to say, the visit from westminster was welcome, but a failure, and in millions of Scots eye,s a terrible attempt to keep scotland as a cash cow by offering us powers we will already be having after a yes vote.
Now here,s my closing statement on the whole independence situation after the debates etc (i know theres more to come, but my heart is set, and i will be voting YES.

During the fisrt and second debate between mr darling and mr salmond  is that pensions for the elderly and middle aged will be SAFE, and i can assure you my friends, this threat about taking the pound sterling away from scotland is nothing more than a petty scare tactic from the UK government, if they took the pound away from us it would throw down south into complete chaos, so take my word for it, the pound sterling WILL stay in scotland, But if not, it has been proven in the past that separate countries who use thier own unique currency have prospered, so thats another idea we could think of, also Mr Darling (lol always chuckle when i say darling because it reminds me of blackadder the series)  ok back to what i was saying, the point mr darling proved to me, and he bottom lined it with his closing statement, he used the words oil and control, actually he used the word control over around 20 times, So i say NO we will not be controlled, we will vote YES, we will prosper through our north sea oil resources, and many other developing business,s and when trident is gone, the people who work there will have jobs to go to when its closed, so they are safe for the future of their families, when its gone, we can create, housing, jobs, new business opportunities, and again, we WILL prosper as an independent country, vote yes folks, you know it makes sense, young, middle aged, elderly, make the country better for future generations, the people will make our voices heard., and remember my friends, this is nothing to do with border,s as mr darling said, it really isnt, i love england, its a brilliant place, i have lots of family there i visit regularly, and they seem to think scotland would be better off independent as well ( even they know we,d be better off). So bring on September. Lets make the biggest decision of our live,s and lets bring in a new era for the scottish people, we need it, we want it, we WILL have it, the people have a voice, the world knows this after the commonwealth games, they heard the scottish people, we have minds of our own, give me a BIG yes vote folks. from your friendly neighbourhood Scotsman, Edward. ..   remember here,s the box to tick #VoteYes  

And by the way, this is being noticed worldwide, even they know the truth. 

I hope you enjoyed this short blog, I will keep it up when i get a burst of inspiration, and i want all you yes voters out there young, old, middle aged to remember this is when we can change EVERYTHING for the better, one chance one opportunity to have our own choices when it comes to government decision making.

The Evil Scotsman.

Thursday 7 August 2014

                                                        SCOTLAND DECIDES DEBATE

This is just a short little blog about the live debate with alex and alistair, my views, my perspective on it. nice and short.

 After watching the debate (more of a tit-for-tat type argument)  between Alex Salmond, and alistair darling, what i took from that debate is that pensions for the elderly and middle aged will be SAFE, and i can assure you my friends, this threat about taking the pound sterling away from scotland is nothing more than a petty scare tactic from the UK government, if they took the pound away from us it would throw down south into complete chaos, so take my word for it, the pound sterling WILL stay in scotland, also Mr Darling (lol always chuckle when i say darling because it reminds me of blackadder the series)  ok back to what i was saying, the point mr darling proved to me, and he bottom lined it with his closing statement, he used the words oil and control, actually he used the word control over around 20 times, So i say NO we will not be controlled, we will vote YES, we will prosper through our north sea oil resources, and many other developing business,s and when trident is gone, the people who work there will have jobs to go to when its closed, so they are safe for the future of their families, when its gone, we can create, housing, jobs, new business opportunities, and again, we WILL prosper as an independent country, vote yes folks, you know it makes sense, young, middle aged, elderly, make the country better for future generations, the people will make our voices heard., and remember my friends, this is nothing to do with border,s as mr darling said, it really isnt, i love england, its a brilliant place, i have lots of family there i visit regularly, and they seem to think scotland would be better off independent as well ( even they know we,d be better off). So bring on September. Lets make the biggest decision of our live,s and lets bring in a new era for the scottish people, we need it, we want it, we WILL have it, the people have a voice, the world knows this after the commonwealth games, they heard the scottish people, we have minds of our own, give me a BIG yes vote folks. from your friendly neighbourhood Scotsman, Edward.

At the bottom of this little blog, there,s a great song about a man lost, his story is fantastic, dougie was live at the commonwealth games singing this song he came up with while he was lost from scotland and could,nt get home, and home is where the heart is.  

Vote yes folks in september, we need this, for future generations to come, trust in ourselves, after all its the people that make scotland right? and its the people that are going to decide how our lives will be determined, is it going to continue to be broken down bit by bit by westminster, or are we going to put a stop to that, take our country back, get a government we know will do its best for the people to prosper and rise, and prove to the world we can do this together.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Latest from Scotland

                                Just a Few Things Id Like to Get Off my Chest.!

The first thing id like to talk about it the flooding in the UK, now we all hear the government tell everyone, 'dont worry, if there,s a chance of flood, we,ll be fine'  Now, THAT is a load of nonsense, as we can tell from the recent events with the weather, loads of folks out of home,s, basically normal hard working people,s entire lives ruined.
Now the problem i have with this is, probably something EVERYONE should know, last night it came to light that £141million Pounds of Flood defence funding was 'GONE' this was pointed out by Watchdog, so what does this tell you folks, ill tell you what it tells me, my money and all the money you earn and pay toward,s our governments is being taken from us, and god knows where its all going.! Thats all i have to say about that, this entire county, and im talking scotland, england, ireland, and wales have been thrown into a complete cluster ...well you know what i mean, and you know whose fault it is?? .. take a guess, his initials are DC.

Next order of business for me, is the independence vote for Scotland, dont worry ill keep it short and sweet, i like to do that, it keeps my friends reading, and there,s no boring stuff, mean what you say and say what you mean, thats something ive always stuck by, got me in trouble before, but who care,s  im not scared.
Okay, the independence, now this is going global the way David Cameron and the UK Parliament have been throwing threat after threat at us, example, it went from Mr Cameron telling us that if we went independent he would remove (as he called it) the veil of protection from terrorist attacks etc,  Let me tell you all something, WE do not need any protection from the UK, ill explain why,  the next threat was that we wont be allowed to be part of the EU,  okay, bottom line, SCOTLANDS BEEN PART OF THE EU FOR 40 YEARS ALREADY NOW, so what the hell kind of threat is that??? makes no sense as usual.
Right last thing, was the 3rd and final threat from the UK MP,s, and this I knew it would come to..... OIL.!! I WAS WAITING FOR HIM TO MENTION THIS, so scotland has an abundance of oil, most of which we have not seen the benefit from, in fact ive had a look at this very closely and the oil we produce, 3 quaters of it are making scotland absolutely no money for itself, now im not being selfish, but if your country was falling apart at the seems with times getting really hard for everyone, wouldnt you want to try and help out and make the country as prosperous and successful, and advanced as you could, well thats what i,d like to do for SCOTLAND, if only i had the chance, its been suggested by a lot of my friends that i should run for MP next year, as ive seen both sides of the street, i grew up in a rough housing estate, i saw violence, drugs, and there were even murders, but me myself, i saw all of that, yet i still managed to come straight out of school and right into working, i saw the bad side and good side of life, I have the attitude of the man on the street thats having a real hard time, and i have the attitude of a working class man,  and i choose the GOOD side, and i firmly believe that we ALL should strive towards living a normal existance, we all just want to be happy in the end.
Before i finish up i just wanted to show you how ridiculous this is getting over here with the independence referendum, here,s a few stupid things we,ve had thrown at us ..... these are peferct example,s of what i,d call bully tactics, dont you agree.


Thank you all for taking the time to have a read, and just check out some of my points of view, remember im no politician, or particularly mega-smart guy, I am just an average geezer, who had practically seen it all, and done it all, and i want to do more, i want to change things bigtime. If only eh? maybe some day.

The Evil Scotsman.