Wednesday 26 February 2014

Latest from Scotland

                                Just a Few Things Id Like to Get Off my Chest.!

The first thing id like to talk about it the flooding in the UK, now we all hear the government tell everyone, 'dont worry, if there,s a chance of flood, we,ll be fine'  Now, THAT is a load of nonsense, as we can tell from the recent events with the weather, loads of folks out of home,s, basically normal hard working people,s entire lives ruined.
Now the problem i have with this is, probably something EVERYONE should know, last night it came to light that £141million Pounds of Flood defence funding was 'GONE' this was pointed out by Watchdog, so what does this tell you folks, ill tell you what it tells me, my money and all the money you earn and pay toward,s our governments is being taken from us, and god knows where its all going.! Thats all i have to say about that, this entire county, and im talking scotland, england, ireland, and wales have been thrown into a complete cluster ...well you know what i mean, and you know whose fault it is?? .. take a guess, his initials are DC.

Next order of business for me, is the independence vote for Scotland, dont worry ill keep it short and sweet, i like to do that, it keeps my friends reading, and there,s no boring stuff, mean what you say and say what you mean, thats something ive always stuck by, got me in trouble before, but who care,s  im not scared.
Okay, the independence, now this is going global the way David Cameron and the UK Parliament have been throwing threat after threat at us, example, it went from Mr Cameron telling us that if we went independent he would remove (as he called it) the veil of protection from terrorist attacks etc,  Let me tell you all something, WE do not need any protection from the UK, ill explain why,  the next threat was that we wont be allowed to be part of the EU,  okay, bottom line, SCOTLANDS BEEN PART OF THE EU FOR 40 YEARS ALREADY NOW, so what the hell kind of threat is that??? makes no sense as usual.
Right last thing, was the 3rd and final threat from the UK MP,s, and this I knew it would come to..... OIL.!! I WAS WAITING FOR HIM TO MENTION THIS, so scotland has an abundance of oil, most of which we have not seen the benefit from, in fact ive had a look at this very closely and the oil we produce, 3 quaters of it are making scotland absolutely no money for itself, now im not being selfish, but if your country was falling apart at the seems with times getting really hard for everyone, wouldnt you want to try and help out and make the country as prosperous and successful, and advanced as you could, well thats what i,d like to do for SCOTLAND, if only i had the chance, its been suggested by a lot of my friends that i should run for MP next year, as ive seen both sides of the street, i grew up in a rough housing estate, i saw violence, drugs, and there were even murders, but me myself, i saw all of that, yet i still managed to come straight out of school and right into working, i saw the bad side and good side of life, I have the attitude of the man on the street thats having a real hard time, and i have the attitude of a working class man,  and i choose the GOOD side, and i firmly believe that we ALL should strive towards living a normal existance, we all just want to be happy in the end.
Before i finish up i just wanted to show you how ridiculous this is getting over here with the independence referendum, here,s a few stupid things we,ve had thrown at us ..... these are peferct example,s of what i,d call bully tactics, dont you agree.


Thank you all for taking the time to have a read, and just check out some of my points of view, remember im no politician, or particularly mega-smart guy, I am just an average geezer, who had practically seen it all, and done it all, and i want to do more, i want to change things bigtime. If only eh? maybe some day.

The Evil Scotsman.

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