Sunday 3 January 2016

                         Welcome to 2016 from The Evil Scotsman

So, it's been a while since I've been here, thought I'd better dust off the cobwebs and get the blog going again, first of all, I've had a great time meeting all the new folk on social media and always having my regular friends there too, so I want you to know I remember you, and appreciate you every day of the week, that's the truth. Here we go, and I'll try not to whine... too much.

A happy New year to all of my friends, readers who've stuck by me, always stayed in touch, whether it be once a day, or once a year, it's always great to know your all other, and the folks reading know who you are.
2015, let's be honest was a horrible year for the majority of us, even christmas was ruined for millions, the message that sends is that now it's on our doorsteps we're going to have to step up the messages we send to our governments, we the UK need more money pumped into it to protect everyone from this flooding, the country's a mess and Mr Cameron's out buying new private jets, makes sense.... not.
But as this year starts we all know Scotland still has that dream of independence in or hearts, and that dream may soon be a reality which I would welcome with open arms.

This year my resolution was the same I stuck with one I made around 14 years ago, which was NOT  to make any more resolutions! It's been working for me, and I suppose at least I'm consistent.

So, this was just my welcome blog for 2016, I do believe this year we WILL have full UFO disclosure, I do believe NASA will have colonies on mars by 2018 as congress just gave permission to start the process, I do believe there are killer comets and asteroids headed our way, this is the reason we got to get to mars, we the public are being told nothing.

Something else I thoroughly believe, is that this ISIS lot will be wiped out very shortly, and let's face it, this is thanks to Putin kicking everyone's arses over there.

There's something extremely worrying for me right now though, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are on the brink of nuclear war, and we all know it, I'll tell you what, when that Iran nuclear deal was being made, I watchedTthe news a lot! And I saw people in Iran shouting death to America, yet that stupid deal went through, Iran now has nuclear capabilities, and its a matter of time, maybe weeks or days, hopefully it's resolved, but I can't see that happening any time soon. If a war happens their we have no one to blame but ourselves for standing by and watch it happen.

Okay, I've gone on enough, so my friends, I hope the year ahead for you and the families is fantastic, I'm going to keep up the blogging, doing the podcasts, have a few shows lined up, which is cool because I love letting loads of people hear me complain or joke or just do my thing, always good fun. Keep in touch folks, always a tweet away, all the best and I'll still be delivering the best in UFO,s etc, all validated, zero fake. Cheers all, and have a great 2016, from your friendly neighborhood Scotsman, Edward.

The Evil Scotsman

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