Monday 29 February 2016

                                                       Monday Thoughts

Just a wee update on current affairs in the UK, so we all know about this Brexit in\out referendum that's going on right now right? Well I have to say this madness has caused more arguments than a drunken night out in glasgow, the entire UK is in an uproar, the SNP want to stay, I think we need to stay, not because we want to, I mean even the EU members are unhappy with the EU itself but it's the business gateway to the globe. Many of my fellow Scots are desperate to get out, this is going to be a close one here. Even David Cameron's main man, Boris Johnson the mayor of London has turned on Cameron and says he wants out, to me it feels like Cameron would love a closed country, and that's not good for business, we need to stay in the loop.

Away from that subject because it's doing my nut in, I don't like being forced into a decision that's doing nothing but benefiting the rich.
Life in general just now is good, plodding along, business is going well, employees are happy and I'm still doing my thing outside of work with the UFO and conspiracy subject, and this is getting big, the UFO sightings are up 100% since January, I said it before, and again in say 2016 will be the year of disclosure.

Just want to take a wee second to say thank you to everyone that reads my blog, it's very cool that I can make friends all over the world, and let you all know what's going on over here, everyone I speak with seems to be awesome! Of course you always get one or two complete Bawbags on here, but that's what the block buttons for yes?.

Anyway, this was just a short one for now and #TheEvilScotsman will continue to deliver the truth about life, the unexplained, politics, and a bit of everything, including a smile because I always like to put a smile on faces, so folks, have an awesome day and enjoy, stay safe and take care of each other, that's what being human means, we need each other nowadays more than ever.

Thanks for having a wee read, and again, thanks for being there.



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