Sunday 1 November 2015

                                                         The Evil Scotsman

A bit about life in Scotland growing up and how social media's changed the world and my outlook on life, I was one of those kids who was always a bit of a daydreamer, although now instead of daydreams, it seems most of my thoughts from the past are actually happening, in my mum and dads house, my dad made me my room up in our loft (or attic it's called in the U.S) I had the skylight and we had a marvellous telescope, pointed directly at the moon, my roof was covered in the old school glowing stars and moon that lit up at night, couldn't really be bothered with much else, same applied when I went to school, I listened, played attention and went .... when I felt like it, to be honest the best thing about school was leaving!.
After that I went straight into work, I was quite lucky with the career situation, get a wage pay the mortgage and keep a roof over me and the missus heads, have done and always will.
So life goes on and then in 2004 Facebook appears, I saw this made one and within 3 or 4 days had blocked most of the planet, if you take a look at relationships and families with problems nowadays, Facebook's to blame, look at all the talk shows where we hear these Muppets shouting 'but Facebook this n Facebook that, social interaction nowadays is virtually nonexistent, it's true. I think FB should be kept personal and private for friends and close family only, and trustworthy people, happy timeline, happy days.

Next we have Twitter, now this in my opinions the best way to get information, contacts, people who believe in you, people who trust you, and I've made so many new friends around the world, it's very cool, in fact just the other day one of my friends\Nemesis @UFOgreys sent me this little present, all in good humor of course..... I think??.

It's a bit of a shame face to face social interactions gone, nowadays everyone's connected to some kind of portable device, I remember when phones were attached to a house dammit!. Zombie nations happened folks.

On the serious side of things Twitter opened my eyes even wider than they were as far as some of my favorite subjects go ie: UFO,S, Ghosts, paranormal activity, the universe, our solar systems and beyond now. Something that caught my eye in particular lately was NASA scientists announcing they have found what they think is an alien MegaStructure orbiting a planet spotted by the Kepler Telescope, look it up on nasa Twitter or Google feed, you'll be amazed. Also remember RendleshamForest? The UFO,s are back! Again check the hash tag #TheEvilScotsman for all the latest Ufo breaking news.

Something I wanted to touch on is a tweet I got a few days ago asking why I had deviated from the Ufo subject on Twitter, this is where I wish people would read my bio before asking daft questions, by now most people know me, I'm grumpy, funny, moany, friendly and a little bit mad, I'm Scottish, what do you expect for God's sakes, so yes I will deliver something for everyone on Twitter, be it serious, funny, just off topic and random, one thing I do pride myself on is delivering facts, never fiction when I consider it worthwhile that the world should see it, and anyway, I'm one of those guys you can talk to like you've known me for years, so you can't stick to one subject, you have to differentiate every so often.

Just taking the time I have on my hands to say thanks for all the views, the people that read, answer, share, have always been great to me online, so a big CHEERS, keep reading, lots more to come, and on a personal note, on November 18th, I'll be doing a live online broadcast discussing, Ghosts, abductions, Ufo theories etc with  @ColonelGATurner which should be an awesome show, please tune in and you get to hear me live instead of a blog, should be great. Please share if you enjoyed.


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