Monday 12 January 2015


the above video was live posted around 2 mins ago, this day of Unity will last in our memory Forever

I can say something i never thought i,d say about the human race, for once we didnt act like animals, there was no violence from different religions, the entire every will be remembered in the history books.
I had my eyes firmly fixed on those world leader,s their arms were entwined, maybe people will say this was for show for publicity, but in my opinion it was fantastic to see.

The point of this rally, or march of all nationalities as we know, is for freedom of speech, unity, austerity, brotherhood, sisterhood, and worldwide peace, maybe it can be achieved.

The other point of this is a direct message to all member of Terrorist groups like ISIS, Taliban, Al-Queada, Hamas, Boko Haram etc, I hope they were watching because me and billions of the normal human race that stood with france after those horrific shootings, are directly telling you, it,s not you against us, its the WORLD against you, you cant run, you cant hide, the public know what to look for now, the police are on you, the world will take you down.

and on a final note to all would-be Terrorists, or as i like to call them all COWARDS WHO TWIST THE ISLAMIC RELIGION TO SUIT THEMSELVES,  take note, you have awoken a sleeping giant now, because the brotherhood of Anonymous are stepping in, remember these words, we are legion, we are ONE. And as you know Anonymous do not make threats, they make promises, so run, be scared, soon all Terror must be wiped from out planet.
Weather is be physical by military force, there,s always Cyber warfare too, noone,s taken this into consideration, the people represented below, listen, run, throw down your weapons before its too late.

All religion, free speech, austerity, and acceptance of color and creed should be mandatory, many of my friends on facebook and twitter and muslim, its only human to have these emotion, but we cant be driven by hate of other people,s respects or opinions. and here,s that short message to all Terrorists, and its happening as I type this, already two Terrorist websites have been taken down.

The Paris March brought a new day to the world we can see now, we cant stereotype the muslim faith, its just another religion,

 Ill tell you about my religion, and youll probably laugh, was made to go to church in primary school, and id be sitting there looking at my friends watching the priest do his thing, and i dont know if it was because i had a different way of thinking or what, but i was thinking, why is that man wearing a dress?, why is he drinking wine when it,s clearly illegal to have drink near minors, and why are there alter boys in dresses?, and why are the people looking at him and repeating everything like sheep, it just didnt make sense to me, it seemed like a cult to me, and this was me at age 9, so it got to the stage where my mum said to me, okay its up to you if you want to go to church or now, of course my answer was, im, done.
From then on ive checked out different faiths religions etc, but i have to say none of them make any sense to me and always involve an invisible malevolent god that nobody,s ever seen, nobody,s got an autograph, or even a photo? no that ones not for me, I think im going to be faithless, i believe rely on myself, treat people the way you want to be treated, and life will be good, maybe ive still to find some kind of faith but until then, ill just do what i do and blame everything on Aliens, thats my theory on Evolution.

I thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed, please feel free to leave feedback and share.

The Evil Scotsman 

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