Wednesday 21 January 2015


Okay, here,s my latest rant, you know its all about Scotland for me right now because of these damn elections coming up, did you know Westminster has deemed it so that the Scottish National Party cant take part in any televised debate held down south, so this raises the question, how the hell are the rest of the world supposed to hear our voices?.

David Cameron visited Edinburgh today to deliver his final proposals on devolved powers to Scotland, and all i can say about the whole thing is that 'its a complete disgrace and an insult to every scottish citizen'.
We have been given basically nothing important to do with our welfare, our children, the ill, elderly etc, the important things in life to be blunt.
It,s so obvious if you check the Twitter Feed for Scotland on #The45 #PMQS #SNP you,ll see the dis-content from around 90% of the scots. Talk about another waste of our time,s, we could be a quarter of the way to dismantling trident just now only if we voted YES.
Living conditions up here just now are terrible too which Mr Cameron failed to address properly in my eye,s, an increase in the annual salary, and an increase in the minimum wage is a MUST to live in todays society.

I heard Barack Obama say something in his speech today (and i never usually quote ANYONE) that rang so true to lifestyles over here, he said how can people support and live on an income of 14 or 15K per annum ..... TRY IT.  .. hell, try living on 9K or 10K in scotland.

Over here believe it or not, people are living on less than that, we have families over here living on 12K and less per annum, we have foodbanks popping up left right and centre, and since the referendum, things are only getting worse, they claim down south that unemployment is down, from where i sit and from what i see, they are VERY WRONG and dont have a clue about whats going on here.

I think it,s time for a big change here, people in my country want and need the change NOW, im talking before the end of 2015, our voices are getting louder on Twitter and Facebook, we are sick of being treated like dirt by Westminster, and being dictated to by George Osbourne, this is enough, we dont have a platform to tell anyone how we really feel, our only hope is that we achieve taking as many chairs at Westminster as possible and this Will happen. By the way, so glad to see alex salmond getting back on the horse.

We have to be heard we need to get away from Westminster, Ireland, Wales, Scotland we are all taking the brunt of their mistakes, the people are wasting away, getting angrier and thats not a good thing, there,s too much going on in the world and the last thing we need here are protest,s but if we kept being treated like garbage, it,ll happen. 
I want everyone of The45 to come together we need to be heard, all the people who voted NO, should now see sense, and whats happening, Scotland is being torn apart, the NHS is going to be privatized, sick people and the elderly are being diagnosed by Rogue company,s hired by guess who, and these so called professionals are forcing people into work they cant do due to being incapable, then their struck off the benefits system, this kind of thing is the reason depression and the suicide rate is so high in scotland, This has to end, we need to stop it.

Yesterday i was in our local shop speaking to the wee woman behind the counter, i asked 'so hows things, how you been doing'  
she replied ' im doing okay, bit down feeling tired, i was supposed to retire shortly but then the Government raised the retirement age to 65, so now i have another 5 years of work in front of me'.
This is a prime example of the value Westminster have on human life nowadays. We cant live with this any more, enough is enough.

Here,s what i really want to get to, when im watching the Prime Minister,s Questions live, it absolutely disgusts me, we forget that this is our lives these people are dealing with, yet it,s like watching a primary class the way they shout and jeer, i think they need to sit their arses down, shut the hell up, ask a question, get an answer, and if any of that jeering or trading of name calling occurs, then those involves should be immediately ejected from the house of commons. And I know millions will agree with me on that one, i mean check this out, this is how these so called respectable gentlemen and ladies behave in supposedly the most important building in the UK (seen better behavior in a zoo).

Scotland want to be free, Ill say it one more time, in todays society with prices the way they are, we just cant manage on the wages people are paying now, this is going downhill fast, so bring on these elections, Scotland lets take all the seats we can, get another referendum rally started come together as a nation, no ifs or buts this time, lets get the hell out of this situation, its a sinking ship, we know it, fight with me for another referendum my friends. And i think for Scotland at this present time, our hope lies with the Greens or the SNP. But lets keep the momentum up for Independence, it will happen.
We have Nicola Sturgeon who addressed Mr Camerons proposals as ridiculous, still most power will be in Westminster but i have a feeling when Alex Salmond gets into Westminster and he will, things are going to change bigtime for us, because i know they want another referendum, and this time the entire county of Scotland in behind them because of this Travesty, its time to move out of the stone age, away from a Monarchy that means nothing to us, and is purely a tourist attraction and a drain on tax payers money, we dont need it, we have no queen, we recognize no Monarchy. And we certainly dont recognize any control from Westminster, WE are the voice of Twitter and social media, and they listen to us whether they tell you otherwise, they do.
We will be independent my friends, the day will come.
Scotland Forever

Thank you for reading and i appreciate the continued support, please comment, share. Your friend in Scotland


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