Monday 20 April 2015

                         UFO AND ET CONTACT CONFIRMED BY NASA BY 2020

Finally our lovely friends at NASA have confirmed they could find alien life by 2020, and i was thinking, i,ll bet even if they find some kind of alien microbe, it'll probably still be smarter than us.
have a listen to this.....

As per usual, i have a BIG problem with this statement, purely because the fact is, 90% of the planet already know they DO exist, we have videos, reliable military source,s, recordings from planes, astronaughts, crew stationed on the ISS, even NASA themselves have confirmed a recent UFO sighting caught accidentally, and in my opinion this is the best capture i have seen to date, please check this out, you will be amazed and shocked.

This is one we can look at and see the lights on the ship, the shape, very human design, but who knows, this one blew my mind.
There have been recently thousands of archived recordings from plane pilots that have been hidden from the public for so many years, even recently one of President Obama,s pilots confirmed having an encounter with a disc shaped craft which morphed into a big red ball and moved away at some speed, now i,d say that,s a pretty credible witness wouldnt you say?. Have a look..

Here,s a few of the released recordings from the pilots of airlines disclosed for us to hear, they want us to know this year, they are preparing us for something big folks. 

The bottom line on this, is we have been drip fed this for the past 60 years, secrets have been withheld, Edward Snowden recently came forward with details about Extra-Terrestrials on Earth, and contact being made as far back as President Eisenhower, this is the year of disclosure on UFO and Alien life being discovered, its going to go one of two ways, either NASA are going to appear on T.V with a big announcement, or if they do nothing, we,re going to have some rather large amounts of different craft coming and parking in our atmosphere, and this would cause chaos, this is why NASA should tell the population whats going on as soon as possible.
We all can see a movement on Social media as well as publicly, the people just want to know there,s more going on in this universe than just us stranded on a rock with nothing to concentrate on than fighting and killing each other. thats the biggest problem we have, the human race are, as a species, insane, we developed the most powerful way to destroy life possible when the atom was split, and its just a matter of time before the wars going on in the middle east and elsewhere are going to go global, we know this deep down. So here,s hoping for 2015 getting more and more interesting, and hopefully someday this year we will have full disclosure and maybe some new neighbors.

Thank you.


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