Friday 12 September 2014

                                  REFERENDUM FOR SCOTLAND,S INDEPENDENCE

So that,s us into the final 6 days before that crucial vote, that could affect us for the better or for the worse, we all know my opinion on this, im big on the YES vote, iv,e seen nothing from westminster that can convince me otherwise.

Im going to be honest with you now, when i was younger, i watched the news, was pretty clued up on politics, and the history of the UK, but i never voted in my life, the reason for this is because the government in charge of Scotland, were not Scottish, and my vote would go towards westminster having even more control, but the time,s come, MY vote will count, MY vote will make a difference, and when i put that X in the box stating YES, i,ll be the proudest Scot in my town, This is just a short blog, a few statistics, just my opinions.

On the BBC last night we had the BIG BIG DEBATE involving the youth of scotland, this was fantastic, the kids were excellent, the kids that were voting no got a straight and positive answer from nicola sturgeon, which im sure put their minds at rest, and hopefully swayed them to the YES side, and i have to say, the kids on the yes side, were so intelligent, the questions were valid, and again, from the yes side, answers were given, a positive environment, and a great watch. Im sure this debate will have youngsters debating all over scotland, this is good for the next generation.

I hope you enjoyed just a little read to pass the time, and appreciate all who take part in the discussion. tick tock, we,re on the clock now folks.

The Evil Scotsman.

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