Thursday 8 January 2015

100,000 Signatures In 30 Days Are Needed For A White House Response About Extraterrestrials

100,000 Signatures In 30 Days Are Needed For A White House Response About Extraterrestrials

Recently talking with a few of my very good friends on Twitter who politely told my my blog was growing cobwebs (you know who you are @UFOGREYS .. only kidding buddy, you were right).

So lets get this started for 2015, everyone knows i love the paranormal, UFOs, USO,s etc, and it appears  everyone is now taking a BIG interest in this subject, because when we get down to it, on social media sites like google, twitter, facebook, these sites are basically US, and what we want, the news will tell you twitter opinions dont matter, this is a lie, the authority,s are watching everyone nowadays, big brother society folks, and i believe that soon we will have a militarized planet, but thats a different subject for my next blog, and it,s a dicey subject, but i say it how it is and how i see it, so thats coming soon, but for now lets get back to the subject at hand.

So it looks like the U,S are starting to take this seriously with the growing number of UFO reports increasing worldwide.

2015 is going to be an interesting year as far as Disclosure on UFO,s and extraterrestrial life is concerned, all we need is signature,s, and im sure there are millions\billions of us that just want the truth, the evidence is now overwhelming, and has to be investigated, like i said, sign the petition, get the information to the public.

Maybe if we had something else to concentrate the human mind on outside our planet we would realize there,s more to life than fighting and killing our fellow human beings.

Thank you for taking the time to rwead this, and i always appreciate everyone,s continued support, I never get a chance to say thanks to everyone, but from me to you, you are the best most generous people i have ever had the fortune to meet, social media has opened an entire new world for us, and long may it continue my friends.  Welcome to 2015. Sign the petition and lets get some answers from the Government we deserve nothing but the truth.

I would love for you all to listen to this man below, Gary McKinnon, the only man ever to hack into NASA,s database and get away (just) with it... check it out if this isnt more smoking gun evidence i dont know what is.

So please I urge everyone to click on the Title of this blog and all you have  to do is click on the petition link, and then one click on yes and its done, we can have millions on hits on this ASAP, and the whitehouse is going to have to respond.

And if you dont believe in UFO,s and you think we,re alone in this galaxy you must be very small minded, you have to look further than the end of the street, i beg all believers sign the petition, we will see disclosure this year if we are successful. sign sign sign.
We want to know whats out there, we have to ask in one big voice.!

Thanks for reading, and i appreciate the continued support, please feel free to leave comments and share.

The Evil Scotsman.

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