Friday 3 October 2014


Okay, so you all know how honest i can be, and it,s got me into trouble in the past, but that,s because i feel i should tell it like it is, the Ebola outbreak is a Global crisis folks and we should be very concerned, I believe that this contagion is going worldwide.

Just recently it hit Texas, this I did not think would happen, when this hit thats when i realized that the CDC do not have this under control.
There,s conspiracy theorist,s out there that believe this is a population control measure by our underhanded devious men in black agents that nobody ever sees except after a few beers and being spiked with acid, that population control theory is ridiculous.

This disease has come from year,s of living in filth for the people of Seirra Leone, Liberia etc, its got to the stage where a new disease had sprung up and baffled scientist,s that have been ignoring these conditions for many many year,s.

Recently the man from Texas, had his family contained to their home, and then the CDC announced, another 80 people could have been infected, and just so we all know that how now risen past the hundred mark.

The video below is breaking news, I think we should all pay attention, and have a little look, cant be too careful nowadays. Always protect you and your family,s. Health and Hygiene are EVERYTHING.

Okay, so here,s my solution to this problem, its simple, easy and I have no bloody idea why is hasnt happened yet, The UK citizen who contracted the Ebola Virus, as you might all remember was returned to the UK, and CURED.!!  keep a note of that word folk,s, he,s healthy, and home and CURED.!

The video below is all the information i can get on this so called cure, but whats going on folks, is some company keeping this cure until they get the right price?, are they holding it back for a reason?
I dont know but i do know there is a CURE if this UK citizen is up doing news interviews etc, then there is a cure, Give this to the people infected, stop the deaths, and wipe Ebola out, we need to act now with this, you have a remedy out there, now make it public please. The people need it. This video proves he survived and somebody,s hiding the remedy, i want to know WHY.

Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed, i appreciated the continued support.

The Evil Scotsman.

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