Thursday 11 September 2014

                                                 PANIC AT WESTMINSTER  

So the latest tactic,s from Westminster is a surprise visit by David Cameron, Nick Clegg, and Ed Milliband, in an attempt to sway the scots to stay with the UK. 

Unfortunately Mr Cameron failed to attempt any dialogue with the YES campaigner,s, (only by our t.v screens in a private interview) his main concern seems to be the oil rich north sea, I said a long time ago, this is going to come down to currency threats and oil, which scotland would be more than willing to share with the world.

However, while the no camp from Westminster invaded scotland, our own mr Salmond, and nicola sturgeon were out doing whats best, getting the YES camp stronger and very likely to win our independence on the 18th of this month, its getting exciting now folks. 

I have to say, the visit from westminster was welcome, but a failure, and in millions of Scots eye,s a terrible attempt to keep scotland as a cash cow by offering us powers we will already be having after a yes vote.
Now here,s my closing statement on the whole independence situation after the debates etc (i know theres more to come, but my heart is set, and i will be voting YES.

During the fisrt and second debate between mr darling and mr salmond  is that pensions for the elderly and middle aged will be SAFE, and i can assure you my friends, this threat about taking the pound sterling away from scotland is nothing more than a petty scare tactic from the UK government, if they took the pound away from us it would throw down south into complete chaos, so take my word for it, the pound sterling WILL stay in scotland, But if not, it has been proven in the past that separate countries who use thier own unique currency have prospered, so thats another idea we could think of, also Mr Darling (lol always chuckle when i say darling because it reminds me of blackadder the series)  ok back to what i was saying, the point mr darling proved to me, and he bottom lined it with his closing statement, he used the words oil and control, actually he used the word control over around 20 times, So i say NO we will not be controlled, we will vote YES, we will prosper through our north sea oil resources, and many other developing business,s and when trident is gone, the people who work there will have jobs to go to when its closed, so they are safe for the future of their families, when its gone, we can create, housing, jobs, new business opportunities, and again, we WILL prosper as an independent country, vote yes folks, you know it makes sense, young, middle aged, elderly, make the country better for future generations, the people will make our voices heard., and remember my friends, this is nothing to do with border,s as mr darling said, it really isnt, i love england, its a brilliant place, i have lots of family there i visit regularly, and they seem to think scotland would be better off independent as well ( even they know we,d be better off). So bring on September. Lets make the biggest decision of our live,s and lets bring in a new era for the scottish people, we need it, we want it, we WILL have it, the people have a voice, the world knows this after the commonwealth games, they heard the scottish people, we have minds of our own, give me a BIG yes vote folks. from your friendly neighbourhood Scotsman, Edward. ..   remember here,s the box to tick #VoteYes  

And by the way, this is being noticed worldwide, even they know the truth. 

I hope you enjoyed this short blog, I will keep it up when i get a burst of inspiration, and i want all you yes voters out there young, old, middle aged to remember this is when we can change EVERYTHING for the better, one chance one opportunity to have our own choices when it comes to government decision making.

The Evil Scotsman.

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