Friday 15 November 2013


I want you to take a look at the following pertaining to a member of my family, 15 years ago this family member was stricken with an illness known as spasmodic torticollus, this is one of the most painful illness,s to affect anyone who has dealt with it before.
Now as for treatment for this illness, we have tried everything under the sun, from botox injections in the base of his skull to every other thing you can think of. This Persons life has been hell for the better part of his unfortunately hindered young career. And we arent talking about some waster here, this guy is clever, i mean he,s worked for banks, the investigation burea, and many more places.

The conditions It includeds are as follows
Twitching of the nerver in and around the base of the skull, right shoulder, and partailly unable to use his left arm.
With the nerves in a constant state of flux, this cause,s pain ALL the time, there is NOT a moment in a day or night this boy has had peace, he just doesnt get peace atall.
Unable to sit properly on a chair or stand or lye down for prolonged periods,  which results in once again, constant pain and discomfort.
pain on a 24 hour a day basis.
Sleepless days and nights.
unable to move properly around inside house.
Possible case of agoraphobia as this person now has extreme difficulty leaving the house every day of his life.
been diagnosed as a manic depressive by a phsychiatrist, and being seen by the same phsychiatrist and doctor daily.
Medicated with Diazepam 5mg x4 a day
Medicated with Amytriptiline 25mg x2 per day, having little to no effect.
has problems walking.
has panic attacks regularly.
Throws up every time his door or phone goes, too ill to do anything, and thank god this person has us his FAMILY and FRIENDS around him.!
This case has clearly been proven in a court of law that the person affected here has already been LEGALLY declared UNFIT by the NHS.   THIS IS FACT

Now, here,s the kicker ....   Under a year ago, this person went for a medical as all ill people nowadays have to, we all know this,  now at the medical, was declared FIT for work,   so,  appealed the decision and went to a LEGAL COURT TRIBUNERAL, after around what must have been 25 minute,s, the hearing was adjourned, and the victim here WON THE CASE and was declared medically UNFIT to work.!
For this person, my heart bleeds he pushed himself for 15 years with this illness until he could no longer do it anymore, and was forced into retirement at a very young age. (yep folks he,s getting a retitement payment per month and is still under 40 years old) His life has been destroyed by this illness.

Here,s where the fun begins,  this absolute disgrace of a company called ATOS have now requested a new medical from this victim, and it states legally on his tribuneral papers that he has NOT to be harassed again.!!!!!!  i AM absulutely furious that you could do this, you will end up being responsible for him getting even more ill, or god forbid worse.!!!   I want you to take this into consideration, I have no patience for you to be harassing this victim the way you are, please contact the NHS and confirm all details above are CORRECT, if you need any more details, name,s of doctors, the patient etc, feel free to let me know, but for now here,s just a few examples of what this incompetent company ATOS have done to people so far.

Appreciation from me to my friends for the support and help with this.   THE EVIL SCOTSMAN.

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