Thursday 7 November 2013

Earth Is Falling Apart.

Id like everyone to have a look at the above Video, even though these can be the most beautiful things in the world, this is the most destructive power we have ever dealt with, and as you can see from above, its getting worse folks....  i mean really BAD....

The Reasons for all these recent happenings in MY humble opinion, is the continous testing of Nuclear weapons by our SuperPower Countries, and i think we all know who im talking about, the other reason and probably the ONLY other reason for this activity is FRACKING ....

Hey, Do me and the Rest of SCOTLAND, keep the fracking to yourselves, stay out of our country with this nonsense, if you cant see that your,e breaking the earth into bits with WMD tests and this continous fracking nonsense then what do you experts expect????  duh ...  Dont you understand the planet earth is being torn apart by all you so called Genius Scientists, Well I say No to Fracking, and STOP Nuclear Testing ASAP.


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