Sunday 11 February 2018

Friday 9 December 2016

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Hubsan H501s Drone UFO Hunting With The Evil Scotsman

New, sound being added as I type, should be fine by the time I'm finished this sentence, please enjoy, subscribe to my channel, comment share, thank you.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Hubsan X4 Drone Footage FPV

Entire Playlist, UFO hunting, Scotland Scenery, and please check my crowdfunding project below, all support would be so greatly appreciated to help a dream come true.

The Evil Scotsman And Hubsan X4 Drone over Scotland

Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Evil Scotsman And Hubsan X4 Drone over Scotland

UFO Hunting at night With the Hubsan X4 Drone

Hubsan X4 FPV Brushless Drone Sunrise over The River Clyde

Hubsan X4 FPV Brushless Drone over Inverclyde with The Evil Scotsman

Hubsan X4 Drone Day Flight over Port Glasgow Inverclyde, overlooking the...

UFO Hunting with the Hubsan H501s X4 Drone with The Evil Scotsman

Hubsan X4 Drone over Inverclyde with The Evil Scotsman.

UFO Hunting with the Hubsan X4 H501S Drone over Scotland

UFO Hunting at night With Hubsan X4 Drone FPV Mode with The Evil Scotsman

Saturday 20 August 2016

The Evil Scotsman Ghost and UFO Investigation Team.

                                The Evil Scotsman presents
           Scotland UFO and Paranormal Investigation Team

We begin a new venture in this chapter of The Evil Scotsman's life, things have picked up with regards to my favourite subjects, the Paranormal, and especially the UFO and conspiracy theories. As you all know this is what I feel I was born to do, five days ago I launched this venture, and here's the reasons why, The Evil Scotsman Podcast is up running, and in full effect, and in the past week I had 3 live shows, all fantastic special guests, so to start with ill give you a look and listen to the show, here's the link to check it out, feel free to contact me or drop me a Tweet or comment and let me know what you think. I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Also along with this motivational boost, and the interaction with my friends on Twitter, Google + and other Social Media Sites, the following and interest i have built to me, is incredible, i never knew so many people would be interested in the same things as myself.
There's so many people who interact with me on a daily basis on the UFO, and Paranormal topics, I do my best to bring you the best, and i only bring facts, as you all know. The media lie, and i feel a collective conscience among all human being beginning, everyones waking up, we want the truth, i promise, I'm going to get the truth, and I WILL work for YOU.! 

Now, it's time for The Evil Scotsman to go bigger, lets face it, we watch these Ghosthunter series on T.V, and don't get me wrong, some are interesting, some are farcical, so what i want to do, is something new, something innovative, I want to bring you UFO and Paranormal Investigations LIVE to your homes, streaming all the time. And my friends here have proven they have 100% confidence in me, they listen to me, i answer everyone, and I promise I will put FULL effort into making this a success with your help, so please lets make this dream come to fruition, help a mans dream come true, and ive already promised, if this becomes a success, which I'm sure it will, I will QUIT my current job, and go FULL TIME on this project for every single one of you, check out the site, click, share, and even a donation would be appreciated from the bottom of my heart, donations are NOT obligatory, this is a self made venture, and together WE can make this a success, have a click, see what you think, comments and shares, and even a little donation would be awesome, as i aim to build this team.

If you like, lets do this, lets get the truth, let me bring it to you live, Ill get the interviews with people that matter when it comes to conspiracies, Ill travel to UFO, Paranormal and conspiracy Hotspots and bring every bit of it to you live. The Truth is Here.

From the bottom of The Evil Scotsman's Heart Thank you for reading, thank you for staying with me, and most of all, thank you for being my friend as i live a very solitary life.

The Evil Scotsman

Sunday 26 June 2016

                                     Brexit and The UK Government Collapse

Results in on the 23rd June 2016, 32% of Scotland vote to leave, 68% of scots vote to stay, result, overall Majority for a stay vote from Scotland, Down south in England, overall majority to Leave (Apart from London of course because that's where all the rich fatcats live).
So we get dragged out against our will.
Immediately this causes problems and Nicola Sturgeon immediately informs the people of Scotland we should now have a second independence referendum. This is Good news.!

2 hours after the result David Cameron announces his resignation, he'll be gone by October this year.

2 days in, The Bank of England Manager advises there will be NO changes as far as finances go, no surprise there, although the pound fell against the dollar, but I think this is going to change as time goes on, and things will get much better, well, that is for Scotland since down south right now is in total chaos, check it out.

Today, Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party had a little (BIG) problem, 7 of his party so far just today have resigned, demanding he resigns, he says hes going nowhere, in my opinion this guys far too quiet for me, the country needs someone with a sensible voice, ie Nicola.

As far as the Prime Minister positions concerned, I don't think Westminster has a plan, everyone wants order, all we have is chaos, what I'm waiting for is George Osbourne to make an appearance, that guy seems to have dropped off the Earth and gone into hiding. He should resign.

So what happens now, here you go, the SNP invoke a clause which could allow Scotland to stay IN the EU, or first we invoke our second Indyref, which I predict with absolutely no doubt now, would be a resounding YES to leave the UK vote, but remain in the EU, complicated right, but whose fault is this? we all know the answer.
So here's to David Cameron shooting himself in the foot, here's to the people of the UK who proved they can defeat the rich If they shout loud enough, and here's to Nicola Sturgeon for keeping it together while down south continues to implode.
Even as I type this more resignations from the  Labour Party continue to fly in, what a damn mess.
Thank you for reading, thought  I better update this blog, I haven't been doing it lately ..... because Ive been busy as hell, but I'm back, I got my podcast sorted, got guests coming up live weekdays, so check out the podcast, already got lots of listeners, and the guests I have coming on are awesome. If youd like to listen in, the links in my twitter and google bio page. Join in and have a laugh.

The Evil Scotsman.

Saturday 9 April 2016

                                                      Back In Full Effect

Greetings folks, from the land of the haggis and bagpipes, and welcome once again from The Evil Scotsman to a new wee blog to let you know how things are going just now.

In the past months time hasn't been on my side so I couldn't do much online, but now, I have a lot of new things sorted out.
what I'd really appreciate my friends is for everyone who reads this, please subscribe to my new online sites, all free, and all welcome.
Here's the links for you to peruse and enjoy. you know me my stuff just keeps getting better.

for my you tube channel, please subscribe at

I'm looking to hit the 10k subscription number, and all the help in the world would be appreciated.

Here's my new Googe + Page, and as usual please subscribe and ill subscribe right back.

Always enjoy meeting new people on google and Twitter, I have a facebook account, but that's kind of a private thing for me, I believe that's a thing for family and close friends only, as it can cause a lot of problems, in fact, you watch any of these stupid daytime tv show,s most of them are based on failed or violent relationships that started through facebook or some kind of dating site, no more social contact in this day and age, weird.

But anyway, once again thank you all for taking the time to read, and ill be back at the blogging on a regular basis now.

The Evil Scotsman

Thursday 24 March 2016

                                                     Events On My Mind

A blog today, because there's lots on my mind, just random things, so I'll go through them one by one.
The first one I want to address, and as you all know I'm a big time UFO and believer in alien existence, so just in the past 3 weeks NASA announced they received signals from outside our solar system, and today these signals are repeating, take a look.

Awesome stuff right? Now here's where it gets even better folks, I always said 2016 would be the year of disclosure, and news broke just 4 days ago from NASA and this is astonishing, and it's NOT  From outer space, but it's NOT human, check it out, this is from right here at home, and things are getting real interesting, this is a story that's going viral big time, it's hitting the news channels even over here.

There's been a conspiracy about this hollow earth theory and there's been a lot of activity in the Antarctic by China, Russia, America, Japan, and the UK up there recently, something bits going to break soon, looking forward to it so much.

Alright, next on my thoughts is this blooming Brexit thing David Cameron's pushed us into, Scotland is divided with thoughts on this, the SNP want to stay, I've spoken to hundreds of regular Joes, they want to leave, we don't know what's going to happen here, I think it'd be better for Scotland to stay in the EU, and Cameron's shot himself in the foot here, even his cabinet are divided and imploding as I type, let's just see what happens, but I'd like you to see our FM Nicola Sturgeon talking about our future, very thoughtful, a people person, and someone I think can take us into the future, enjoy, we did.

On a last not, and sadly gain, these Damn terrorists have struck again in Brussels, my thoughts are with the people and families involved, and you know, Obama said something that struck a chord with ME (that doesn't happen often) he said, no matter our colour, faith, nationality, we have to come together as 1 to fight this common enemy that is terrorism, very poignant words, and I thoroughly believe that.

Well, thanks for reading , hope you enjoyed and it's been a while, so hello to everyone, and have a great Easter weekend, from your friendly neighbour Scotsman, Edward.

The Evil Scotsman

Monday 29 February 2016

                                                       Monday Thoughts

Just a wee update on current affairs in the UK, so we all know about this Brexit in\out referendum that's going on right now right? Well I have to say this madness has caused more arguments than a drunken night out in glasgow, the entire UK is in an uproar, the SNP want to stay, I think we need to stay, not because we want to, I mean even the EU members are unhappy with the EU itself but it's the business gateway to the globe. Many of my fellow Scots are desperate to get out, this is going to be a close one here. Even David Cameron's main man, Boris Johnson the mayor of London has turned on Cameron and says he wants out, to me it feels like Cameron would love a closed country, and that's not good for business, we need to stay in the loop.

Away from that subject because it's doing my nut in, I don't like being forced into a decision that's doing nothing but benefiting the rich.
Life in general just now is good, plodding along, business is going well, employees are happy and I'm still doing my thing outside of work with the UFO and conspiracy subject, and this is getting big, the UFO sightings are up 100% since January, I said it before, and again in say 2016 will be the year of disclosure.

Just want to take a wee second to say thank you to everyone that reads my blog, it's very cool that I can make friends all over the world, and let you all know what's going on over here, everyone I speak with seems to be awesome! Of course you always get one or two complete Bawbags on here, but that's what the block buttons for yes?.

Anyway, this was just a short one for now and #TheEvilScotsman will continue to deliver the truth about life, the unexplained, politics, and a bit of everything, including a smile because I always like to put a smile on faces, so folks, have an awesome day and enjoy, stay safe and take care of each other, that's what being human means, we need each other nowadays more than ever.

Thanks for having a wee read, and again, thanks for being there.



Sunday 3 January 2016

                         Welcome to 2016 from The Evil Scotsman

So, it's been a while since I've been here, thought I'd better dust off the cobwebs and get the blog going again, first of all, I've had a great time meeting all the new folk on social media and always having my regular friends there too, so I want you to know I remember you, and appreciate you every day of the week, that's the truth. Here we go, and I'll try not to whine... too much.

A happy New year to all of my friends, readers who've stuck by me, always stayed in touch, whether it be once a day, or once a year, it's always great to know your all other, and the folks reading know who you are.
2015, let's be honest was a horrible year for the majority of us, even christmas was ruined for millions, the message that sends is that now it's on our doorsteps we're going to have to step up the messages we send to our governments, we the UK need more money pumped into it to protect everyone from this flooding, the country's a mess and Mr Cameron's out buying new private jets, makes sense.... not.
But as this year starts we all know Scotland still has that dream of independence in or hearts, and that dream may soon be a reality which I would welcome with open arms.

This year my resolution was the same I stuck with one I made around 14 years ago, which was NOT  to make any more resolutions! It's been working for me, and I suppose at least I'm consistent.

So, this was just my welcome blog for 2016, I do believe this year we WILL have full UFO disclosure, I do believe NASA will have colonies on mars by 2018 as congress just gave permission to start the process, I do believe there are killer comets and asteroids headed our way, this is the reason we got to get to mars, we the public are being told nothing.

Something else I thoroughly believe, is that this ISIS lot will be wiped out very shortly, and let's face it, this is thanks to Putin kicking everyone's arses over there.

There's something extremely worrying for me right now though, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are on the brink of nuclear war, and we all know it, I'll tell you what, when that Iran nuclear deal was being made, I watchedTthe news a lot! And I saw people in Iran shouting death to America, yet that stupid deal went through, Iran now has nuclear capabilities, and its a matter of time, maybe weeks or days, hopefully it's resolved, but I can't see that happening any time soon. If a war happens their we have no one to blame but ourselves for standing by and watch it happen.

Okay, I've gone on enough, so my friends, I hope the year ahead for you and the families is fantastic, I'm going to keep up the blogging, doing the podcasts, have a few shows lined up, which is cool because I love letting loads of people hear me complain or joke or just do my thing, always good fun. Keep in touch folks, always a tweet away, all the best and I'll still be delivering the best in UFO,s etc, all validated, zero fake. Cheers all, and have a great 2016, from your friendly neighborhood Scotsman, Edward.

The Evil Scotsman

Thursday 3 December 2015

                                                       Stamp Out Racism

A day ago I received a tweet telling me, "you know nothing about racism because you've never experienced any form of it" now to me that was a personal insult, the following story I'm going to tell you is based on fact, and I can tell you from personal experience I DO know about racism.

At the age of 5 I met a young lad the same age as me, his and my mum were great friends, his name was Jonas, he was the only kid in a tough Scottish housing estate with a different coloured skin, now me and him got on like a house in fire, to this day he's my friend, but things happened later in life and I know why.
There were the local bullies in the scheme, you know, the drug dealers, the people who thought they were hard because they had big families etc... arseholes in other words.
One night myself and Jonas were up in my room just messing around as you do as a kid, my front door got knocked and my mum shouted for me, it was around six of these racist fools, and what they said next shocked me to the core, I'll never forget it, and I was only 5 or 6 years old, one of them whispered (so my mum couldn't hear) "we're on a N hunt" "where is he so we can kick the life out of him and burn him". I told them I have no idea where he was, and by the way, I myself refuse to use the N word, it disgusts me nearly as much as those scumbags who hassled my friend for years.
The next night my front door got knocked frantically, my mum and dad were out, it was Jonas, he said "please help, let me in, I've been running for hours, they're going to kill me" so of course in done the only thing a true friend would do, I got him inside, and asked him should we tell the police or his mum or mine, but all through the years he was adamant not to involve anyone and go through this, and I'm proud to say I stood by him all the way, and to think he was treated this way all because of the colour of his skin, absolutely pathetic.
Another unfortunate fact about Jonas, is that his original father had left home, and his step dad was NOT a pleasant man, many a night I stayed over, and he called Jonas a dirty little unwanted black b! We were children I told my mum about it eventually because it was getting out of control, my mum called the cops, nothing changed!.

I'm going to jump straight to the point of this story, racism exists in those with Zero intellect, racists are small minded, ignorant and make me angry as he'll, just remember we all bleed red, we all feel pain, I'll tell you, later in life Jonas grew up, and at the age of 25, he got a hold of his step dad and kicked the living he'll out of him for all those years of mental and physical abuse, then he went after those bullies from the younger years and done the exact same, his life spiralled into crime and let me tell you whose fault this is, it's society's fault, we can't look at colours any more, the human race should be past this stupidity and more tolerant of every colour, culture, wherever people come from, so I HAVE seen racism up close and personal, I have experienced it with my friend, and it needs to be STAMPED OUT.
The human race can be better and bigger than this my friends.

I do hope you enjoyed reading, and remember I only deliver facts and truth, so if you want to, feel free to comment, share, subscribe, and as always thank you for the continued support.



Sunday 1 November 2015

                                                         The Evil Scotsman

A bit about life in Scotland growing up and how social media's changed the world and my outlook on life, I was one of those kids who was always a bit of a daydreamer, although now instead of daydreams, it seems most of my thoughts from the past are actually happening, in my mum and dads house, my dad made me my room up in our loft (or attic it's called in the U.S) I had the skylight and we had a marvellous telescope, pointed directly at the moon, my roof was covered in the old school glowing stars and moon that lit up at night, couldn't really be bothered with much else, same applied when I went to school, I listened, played attention and went .... when I felt like it, to be honest the best thing about school was leaving!.
After that I went straight into work, I was quite lucky with the career situation, get a wage pay the mortgage and keep a roof over me and the missus heads, have done and always will.
So life goes on and then in 2004 Facebook appears, I saw this made one and within 3 or 4 days had blocked most of the planet, if you take a look at relationships and families with problems nowadays, Facebook's to blame, look at all the talk shows where we hear these Muppets shouting 'but Facebook this n Facebook that, social interaction nowadays is virtually nonexistent, it's true. I think FB should be kept personal and private for friends and close family only, and trustworthy people, happy timeline, happy days.

Next we have Twitter, now this in my opinions the best way to get information, contacts, people who believe in you, people who trust you, and I've made so many new friends around the world, it's very cool, in fact just the other day one of my friends\Nemesis @UFOgreys sent me this little present, all in good humor of course..... I think??.

It's a bit of a shame face to face social interactions gone, nowadays everyone's connected to some kind of portable device, I remember when phones were attached to a house dammit!. Zombie nations happened folks.

On the serious side of things Twitter opened my eyes even wider than they were as far as some of my favorite subjects go ie: UFO,S, Ghosts, paranormal activity, the universe, our solar systems and beyond now. Something that caught my eye in particular lately was NASA scientists announcing they have found what they think is an alien MegaStructure orbiting a planet spotted by the Kepler Telescope, look it up on nasa Twitter or Google feed, you'll be amazed. Also remember RendleshamForest? The UFO,s are back! Again check the hash tag #TheEvilScotsman for all the latest Ufo breaking news.

Something I wanted to touch on is a tweet I got a few days ago asking why I had deviated from the Ufo subject on Twitter, this is where I wish people would read my bio before asking daft questions, by now most people know me, I'm grumpy, funny, moany, friendly and a little bit mad, I'm Scottish, what do you expect for God's sakes, so yes I will deliver something for everyone on Twitter, be it serious, funny, just off topic and random, one thing I do pride myself on is delivering facts, never fiction when I consider it worthwhile that the world should see it, and anyway, I'm one of those guys you can talk to like you've known me for years, so you can't stick to one subject, you have to differentiate every so often.

Just taking the time I have on my hands to say thanks for all the views, the people that read, answer, share, have always been great to me online, so a big CHEERS, keep reading, lots more to come, and on a personal note, on November 18th, I'll be doing a live online broadcast discussing, Ghosts, abductions, Ufo theories etc with  @ColonelGATurner which should be an awesome show, please tune in and you get to hear me live instead of a blog, should be great. Please share if you enjoyed.


Saturday 5 September 2015

                               Common Sense In The UK

Just before i get to the common sense in the UK part of my blog today, I want to highlight the amount of murder,s and shootings there,s been in America and not just in the past few years, i,m talking altogether, since the right to bear arms amendment was passed, please remember before anyone starts thinking who is this guy to tell us how we should live when he,s from another country with no clue as to what goes on in America today, this is just the perspective and opinion of someone outside looking in, so please take no offence to what i say.

I hear folk,s in the U.S say they cant even go to the shop,s without putting a gun in a handbag or holster, what a scary way to live. The biggest threat we faced growing up and even today was someone grabbing you, threatening to kick your head in, or just getting biffed in the teeth, although I will admit as time,s passing over here we have a bit of a knife culture and junkie hoodie problem, it isn't bad, and it,s a dying breed, the next generation I believe will be a lot more cultured, educated and street smart, all working hard hopefully.

When you put how i grew up into perspective, that was easy compared to the American folks, we have it so cool over here, but everyone know,s, the violence is spreading, and I don't know if it can be controlled, that is unless Congress gets it,s finger out, and listens to Obama and starts putting a lot more control on domestic firearms, to me, it,s amazing that you have gun shops on practically every street corner, you know why? .. because your Government wants you to KILL each other, its that simple.

I think Obama,s got it right for once, take the guns away and watch the crime rate fall Bigtime, millions of people are going to disagree with me here, but a Gun free society, even the police only have Tasers, is a great and extremely peaceful way to live, and a brilliant environment to bring kids up in, and to educate them into that way of thinking is the best idea, instead of taking them to a gun range, or even worse, hunting, that disgusts me.  Put it this way, how many more school, college, street, campus, army base and normal suburban areas are going to have to suffer a madman with a gun on a killing spree before Congress WAKES UP. In the end its down to the population of the U.S to decide whether you want guns or not, bottom line.

If it,s gone beyond the point of control now what i can foresee is a very bleak future for the States, which is a shame because I have loads of family there and hate the face that I know on any given day they could be shot, my cousin once had a gun held to his head when the Gas station he worked at in Florida was robbed, he walked away unhurt though, so all good thank goodness. Lets just wait and see what happens. Then again who the hell am i to say anything anyway.

Right okay iv,e had a rant about guns, so onto my next subject i,d like to complain about, the headline up there also read,s common sense in the UK, this is when i start shouting about the Faslane Nuclear base that,s situated on the River Clyde around a mile or 2 away from me and my family. And here,s a shocking fact, did you know that Westminster stated if there were ever a nuclear or chemical disaster at Faslane, the loss of lives would be Tolerable.!!!!! What the F$$K is that supposed to mean, it means our existence mean nothing to our supreme masters down south in Westminster. Here,s the radius that would be screwed if anything happened, and I,m in that radius.

3 day ago, Mr Pompous George Osborne sneaked up to Scotland and after telling the entire country they were completely broke and had to reduce the deficit, and money was so tight they had to cut thousands off from benefits, and get this, the death rate through being sanctioned by the DWP is higher than the Death rate,s through MURDER, so in effect, our Government,s are legally killing people by making them fall into hole,s too deep to climb out of, resulting in suicide,s going through the roof right now.

With all this going on, all of a sudden he springs up and shouts, oh by the way (reaches into his pocket) and state,s here,s £500 MILLION I,d like to pump into the renewal of Trident and more Nuclear weapons, which lets be honest, they,ll never get used, some call it a deterrent, i call it a Bullseye for any wannabe terrorists, or maybe Putins feeling a bit froggy, that's the first port of call for him to fire at.

I speak on behalf of over 70% of Scots, we don,t want this in MY country, we don,t want English colonialism to come back, and thats how i see this, Osborne is trying to make Scotland his base of operations for all Nuclear and Military operations center, and WE the people and the SNP will not stand for it, here,s what Nicola Sturgeon had to say about this arrogance of the Conservative Party and Westminster policies.

The way it stands in the so called Better Together UK right now, is that we are clearly NOT better together, and a second Independence Referendum Looms on the Horizon, and we will see it in our lifetime, they say down south we,re trying to break up the union, this is lies, do you want Scotland turned into Westminster,s playground for Nuclear weapons, pollution and B.S cuts, crap wages, zero hours contract jobs, NO of course we don't. Independence in coming, the sooner the better, do you want these things sitting across the water from you, and your children, here,s a couple of pics, very eerie looking things these submarine,s and look at the size of them, shocking. Bring on #IndyRef2 and follow me on Twitter @Eddkelly75 hashtag  #TheEvilScotsman Please share if you enjoyed, any feedback,s more than welcome.


Thank you very much for reading.


Thursday 3 September 2015

                                                      OUR WORLD SO FAR

Thought i,d better get back to the Blogging as iv,e been letting it grow cobwebs now for quite some time, there,s a few subject i,d like to talk about, the first one is of course the one that,s all over the news just now, the Migrant Crisis.
Now let,s face it, whose to blame for this in the first place, we all know that answer, America and Europe, Cameron and Obama etc decide to turn these people.s home,s into HELL ON EARTH, and expect no comeback, well here,s the comeback, we have Millions of migrants dying daily, risking their lives, asking News reporters to take their babies to the UK, crawling into trucks, under fence,s, and what do we do about it, the almighty brains in Westminster say, lets build higher fence,s, smart eh?.
Here,s a suggestion, its not a solution, but a possible way to calm the problem, because it,s a double edged sword here, we all know they need us, but the Migrants, or as i will now refer to them as PEOPLE have no identification, no passport,s not even a NAME, so we cant say come on in, without knowing if it,s a threat to our National security or not, ok so, lets provide these people with camps, food, heat for gods sake,s, or on the other hand, we all know there are Obama,s FEMA camp,s placed worldwide, is this what he was expecting? is this what these camps are for?. you decide on this one. There,s lots more, in face too much to said about this crisis, and it,s just going to get worse im afraid.

Next on my list is the upcoming events THIS Month folks, yep, its that time of the Year again where all the conspiracy theorists come together and pick a date in the year predicting the End of the World.
It,s a strange month, and there,s a lot happening, here,s whats coming up this month, and it,s all fact my friends, i try to bring you the truth.
1: The pope visits the Whitehouse between 23rd September and 28th September
2: Solar Flares predicted again between the 23rd and 28th, possibly major happening.?
3: Pope to address Congress on 28th, nobody know why.
4: Last Blood Moon on 28th September, same day Pope addresses Congress with Obama.
Now if that hasn't got you thinking then i dont know what will, check it out.

The third and final thing i,d like to talk about is of course the politics going on just now over here, just the other day we had the Chancellor George Osborne (god i hate these title,s these guys have, all stolen and made up title,s by rich pompous bawbags... i digress) well, he came up to Scotland and decided that all of a sudden he,s going to invest £500 MILLION into renewing the nuclear base Trident which is around 1 mile away from where i stay, totally unacceptable in my books, especially after saying they needed money to pay off their precious deficit, I mean, where the hells this money coming from, why,s he trying to turn Scotland into his own private little Military Zone, myself and the SNP led by Nicola Sturgeon will fight this with everything we have in our heart,s, now as it stand,s Cameron always said we,re better together, we all finally know now, we were NEVER better together, and I can assure you all from very solid and reliable source,s we WILL see Independence in our Lifetimes here in the land of the Brave.

We dont want Nuclear Weapons here, so the fight will never end to get this Trident Plan Removed.

On a final note, i,d like to say, Iv,e missed everyone and sorry i havent been busy with this, after the Conservatives won iv,e had writer,s block Bigtime, but I,m back, and brains on overtime, so hello to all my friends, its excellent to be back on, hope alls good with all of you and your families, iv,e missed this. Hope you all enjoyed the wee update and opinions, and catch me on Twitter to @Eddkelly75 because I,d like to stay in touch with all of you, seems today on Twitter you,d be lucky to get a reply from any so called Celebrity nowadays, except of course myself, im no celeb, but i,ll always make sure and reply to Everyone that takes the time to talk with me. Thank you All, and please share if you enjoyed. Please also hit me up (that was me trying to sound cool... failed.) on the hashtag #TheEvilScotsman


                                                            THE EVIL SCOTSMAN

Saturday 9 May 2015


Okay so the results are in and finalized, Ed Miliband the leader of the Labour Party has resigned and stepped down, Labour M.P,s around Scotland wiped out, the clear winner,s for us are the SNP lead by the wee diamond that is Nicola Sturgeon, bur unfortunately for down south the winners there  (although i still have my doubts and am still dubious about those numbers, especially after the exit polls... shady) are David Camerons Conservative Party, and as far as im concerned for England it,s a damn shame and another 5 years of hell and cuts for everyone, kids leaving school have no benefits for 2 years, but are given a Zero hours contact, which means having to rely on a text on their mobile to tell them if they have work that day, absolute madness. I want to help England out of this horrible situation so much.

Iv,e been thinking about this madness, and believe it or not as i write this, there are riots and protests going on outside Westminster that is NOT being covered by any news channel, coincidence folk,s eh?

Here,s my icing on my cake folks, im going to show you all a map  of the way things looked before and after these general elections, and it was the Scotland referendum that really woke people up to the way we get treated, here,s the result after the scottish vote and remember the yellow represents the SNP, my people, the right people.

So, here,s the next thing to hit the UK, Mr Cameron (in his infinite wisdom) has deemed it wise to let the people of the United ( and the term united is a joke right now) kingdom have, is an in or out EU Referendum, and lets face it, im always honest, everyone know,s it,s in our best interest to stay IN the EU, only small narrow minded people like UKIP would want to cut itself off from such a great opportunity to expand, so i always to say to my Scottish brothers and sisters, stay in the EU, screw what Cameron think,s and thats all he,s offering already knowing we,ll vote to stay in, its so messed up.

Here,s where the kicker come,s in for Scotland, and i have to say its bloody terrible for Ireland, Wales, and ever England, the people down there have been screaming for change, and it didnt happen, nobody knows who voted Conservative, no positive or trending tweets on social media, there,s something wrong there, and im sure you,ll all agree.

What i,d like to put across to the people in Ireland, Wales (especially who have NO mandate atall) and the REAL people in England .. think about it, If Nicola Sturgeon,s party didnt have the word NATIONAL, in it you,d look at it more than twice, I am for Scotland but i am sick of seeing my family in england and wales suffer because of conservative cuts and adjustments to people,s income,s or benefits.this is no good, I tweeted a day ago 'my cousins say if Cameron gets in again we,re moving to Scotland Forever'   ... and believe it or not folk,s, they moved back today, because up here, they Will be SAFE.

This is now when i come back to the voting system in the UK, its so messed up because of ... the bottom line ..... POPULATION.!!!    we need Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the REAL people of England to stand up be heard, and the SNP the entire country of SCOTLAND and especially ME .. I WILL STAND |UP FOR YOU.!!!! please come to us, support us, we need to stop the rich fatcats sitting there laughing at you and me, and we work we pay taxes, they laugh at us, screw that, lets end this, scotland leads the way. stand with us Ireland Wales and England, you are all welcome in our beautiful country,

Just on an additional note on a different day, today is the 04\06\2015, and today the Chancellor (the grey alien) George Osbourne announced that the Tory,s will now be selling off Britains remaining 30% of the Royal Mails public sector to private company,s.
I didnt want to say this, but i told you so, people who voted Tory, all i have to say on this is, YOU WERE FOOLED AGAIN. The Tory,s are going to tear Wales and Ireland apart my friends, thanks goodness we have the SNP as a barrier against this so called Monachy and corrupt Government who wont even disclose years of child abuse allegations to the police, and here,s me thinking the law had more power than them, apprently not,!.   and thats me for today.

Thank you for reading.


Monday 20 April 2015

                         UFO AND ET CONTACT CONFIRMED BY NASA BY 2020

Finally our lovely friends at NASA have confirmed they could find alien life by 2020, and i was thinking, i,ll bet even if they find some kind of alien microbe, it'll probably still be smarter than us.
have a listen to this.....

As per usual, i have a BIG problem with this statement, purely because the fact is, 90% of the planet already know they DO exist, we have videos, reliable military source,s, recordings from planes, astronaughts, crew stationed on the ISS, even NASA themselves have confirmed a recent UFO sighting caught accidentally, and in my opinion this is the best capture i have seen to date, please check this out, you will be amazed and shocked.

This is one we can look at and see the lights on the ship, the shape, very human design, but who knows, this one blew my mind.
There have been recently thousands of archived recordings from plane pilots that have been hidden from the public for so many years, even recently one of President Obama,s pilots confirmed having an encounter with a disc shaped craft which morphed into a big red ball and moved away at some speed, now i,d say that,s a pretty credible witness wouldnt you say?. Have a look..

Here,s a few of the released recordings from the pilots of airlines disclosed for us to hear, they want us to know this year, they are preparing us for something big folks. 

The bottom line on this, is we have been drip fed this for the past 60 years, secrets have been withheld, Edward Snowden recently came forward with details about Extra-Terrestrials on Earth, and contact being made as far back as President Eisenhower, this is the year of disclosure on UFO and Alien life being discovered, its going to go one of two ways, either NASA are going to appear on T.V with a big announcement, or if they do nothing, we,re going to have some rather large amounts of different craft coming and parking in our atmosphere, and this would cause chaos, this is why NASA should tell the population whats going on as soon as possible.
We all can see a movement on Social media as well as publicly, the people just want to know there,s more going on in this universe than just us stranded on a rock with nothing to concentrate on than fighting and killing each other. thats the biggest problem we have, the human race are, as a species, insane, we developed the most powerful way to destroy life possible when the atom was split, and its just a matter of time before the wars going on in the middle east and elsewhere are going to go global, we know this deep down. So here,s hoping for 2015 getting more and more interesting, and hopefully someday this year we will have full disclosure and maybe some new neighbors.

Thank you.


Sunday 19 April 2015

                                                       SOMETHING DIFFERENT

So, as everyone knows in the UK it,s election time again, and this time around I think Mr Cameron,s time is up.!
The way the voting system is run over here is crazy, as we all know it,s the same old, same old, promises from here there and everywhere, except after Scotland had our referendum, there was a wake up call across the entire country, everyone overnight became a politician, we seen Twitter light up like never before. unfortunately i have a problem with the voting system here, in England, Ireland and Wales they are not allowed to vote for any Scottish party, and if we wanted in Scotland we could vote for them, I,d love to see all 4 country,s see the future, and the future,s name is Nicola Sturgeon, this wee lassies a firecracker and she,s got Prime Minister written all over her.
People have the wrong idea about Nicola, yes she represents Scotland, but when she speaks, as we all seen for ourselves on the leaders debate, she was speaking for the whole of the United Kingdom and instead of David Cameron and Ed Miliband shouting about making England a better place, when do you ever hear them saying lets make Ireland better or Wales better, we never hear that, things have to and are going to change bigtime after May 7. Here,s a little example of how good Nicola Sturgeon is and how well she can handle any man any time and any day of the week, this is why the SNP party are gaining so many new member,s and are going to win possibly just over 50 seats at Westminster.

The way things are looking, it,s going to be a neck and neck race between Miliband and Cameron, and proably around 80% of the UK want change and Cameron out, so the only way for this to happen is for Ed Miliband of the Labour Party to go into co-alition with the SNP (which they said they would never do, we,ll see).  Even if there isnt a joining of SNP and Labour, i can tell you all one thing, Scotlands voice,s are going to be heard louder than ever before when we bring real change from our OWN position down in Westminster.
One other thing i,d like to say is about voting, i think is should be allowed for Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England be able to vote for whoever they want, be it welsh, or irish or whatever you like, we cant put restrictions on who someone likes. This is something that should be put in place and made possible directly after the elections. 

Okay, so lets talk about Trident, we the people of Scotland me especially, i live around a mile away from that base, so it,s basically an eyesore as well as a waste of money. I,ll explain it like this, Mr Cameron and Miliband want to renew the Nuclear deterrent and pay 100 million pounds for whats basically something thats never going to be used, so the idea the SNP have is lets remove this from our country keep the money and use if for conventional protection against threats, it can and should be done, its sensible, and lets face it, if someone fires a nuke at us we,re all toast anyway, so whats the difference, i just think we could do so much better and set a standard for other countries to maybe follow suit if we have it removed.

On a final note, i just want to say, this isnt about another referendum, we accepted the no vote, not happily i,ll admit, i was so let down it was unreal, but its done, so time to move onward,s and upward,s, you see after the no vote, we woke up, we paid attention and so did the entire UK, so lets give the whole UK the power to vote for any country,s party they want. Scotland can make this better for us all, a better living wage, a better and SAFE NHS, more childcare, restrictions on immigration, more free schooling, more homes, more jobs, scrapping these ridiculous Zero-Hours contracts introduced by The Conservative party which are forcing people into poverty, having to use food bank,s and even pushing people to suicide. we have to do the sensible thing when in comes to taking care of the UK, we cant pay off this deficit so quickly, Nicola has the right idea.
So come May vote sensibly, lets get rid of this corrupt Conservative Party, im sick of seeing these fatcats and rich leeches live off OUR hard earned money, the people are speaking, and the politicians in Westminster are absolutely bricking it, because they know we,re onto them and we have had enough. So here,s to a new government with a voice from Scotland helping the UK with better living standards, no more food bank,s, a prosperous future,

Thank you .


Wednesday 21 January 2015


Okay, here,s my latest rant, you know its all about Scotland for me right now because of these damn elections coming up, did you know Westminster has deemed it so that the Scottish National Party cant take part in any televised debate held down south, so this raises the question, how the hell are the rest of the world supposed to hear our voices?.

David Cameron visited Edinburgh today to deliver his final proposals on devolved powers to Scotland, and all i can say about the whole thing is that 'its a complete disgrace and an insult to every scottish citizen'.
We have been given basically nothing important to do with our welfare, our children, the ill, elderly etc, the important things in life to be blunt.
It,s so obvious if you check the Twitter Feed for Scotland on #The45 #PMQS #SNP you,ll see the dis-content from around 90% of the scots. Talk about another waste of our time,s, we could be a quarter of the way to dismantling trident just now only if we voted YES.
Living conditions up here just now are terrible too which Mr Cameron failed to address properly in my eye,s, an increase in the annual salary, and an increase in the minimum wage is a MUST to live in todays society.

I heard Barack Obama say something in his speech today (and i never usually quote ANYONE) that rang so true to lifestyles over here, he said how can people support and live on an income of 14 or 15K per annum ..... TRY IT.  .. hell, try living on 9K or 10K in scotland.

Over here believe it or not, people are living on less than that, we have families over here living on 12K and less per annum, we have foodbanks popping up left right and centre, and since the referendum, things are only getting worse, they claim down south that unemployment is down, from where i sit and from what i see, they are VERY WRONG and dont have a clue about whats going on here.

I think it,s time for a big change here, people in my country want and need the change NOW, im talking before the end of 2015, our voices are getting louder on Twitter and Facebook, we are sick of being treated like dirt by Westminster, and being dictated to by George Osbourne, this is enough, we dont have a platform to tell anyone how we really feel, our only hope is that we achieve taking as many chairs at Westminster as possible and this Will happen. By the way, so glad to see alex salmond getting back on the horse.

We have to be heard we need to get away from Westminster, Ireland, Wales, Scotland we are all taking the brunt of their mistakes, the people are wasting away, getting angrier and thats not a good thing, there,s too much going on in the world and the last thing we need here are protest,s but if we kept being treated like garbage, it,ll happen. 
I want everyone of The45 to come together we need to be heard, all the people who voted NO, should now see sense, and whats happening, Scotland is being torn apart, the NHS is going to be privatized, sick people and the elderly are being diagnosed by Rogue company,s hired by guess who, and these so called professionals are forcing people into work they cant do due to being incapable, then their struck off the benefits system, this kind of thing is the reason depression and the suicide rate is so high in scotland, This has to end, we need to stop it.

Yesterday i was in our local shop speaking to the wee woman behind the counter, i asked 'so hows things, how you been doing'  
she replied ' im doing okay, bit down feeling tired, i was supposed to retire shortly but then the Government raised the retirement age to 65, so now i have another 5 years of work in front of me'.
This is a prime example of the value Westminster have on human life nowadays. We cant live with this any more, enough is enough.

Here,s what i really want to get to, when im watching the Prime Minister,s Questions live, it absolutely disgusts me, we forget that this is our lives these people are dealing with, yet it,s like watching a primary class the way they shout and jeer, i think they need to sit their arses down, shut the hell up, ask a question, get an answer, and if any of that jeering or trading of name calling occurs, then those involves should be immediately ejected from the house of commons. And I know millions will agree with me on that one, i mean check this out, this is how these so called respectable gentlemen and ladies behave in supposedly the most important building in the UK (seen better behavior in a zoo).

Scotland want to be free, Ill say it one more time, in todays society with prices the way they are, we just cant manage on the wages people are paying now, this is going downhill fast, so bring on these elections, Scotland lets take all the seats we can, get another referendum rally started come together as a nation, no ifs or buts this time, lets get the hell out of this situation, its a sinking ship, we know it, fight with me for another referendum my friends. And i think for Scotland at this present time, our hope lies with the Greens or the SNP. But lets keep the momentum up for Independence, it will happen.
We have Nicola Sturgeon who addressed Mr Camerons proposals as ridiculous, still most power will be in Westminster but i have a feeling when Alex Salmond gets into Westminster and he will, things are going to change bigtime for us, because i know they want another referendum, and this time the entire county of Scotland in behind them because of this Travesty, its time to move out of the stone age, away from a Monarchy that means nothing to us, and is purely a tourist attraction and a drain on tax payers money, we dont need it, we have no queen, we recognize no Monarchy. And we certainly dont recognize any control from Westminster, WE are the voice of Twitter and social media, and they listen to us whether they tell you otherwise, they do.
We will be independent my friends, the day will come.
Scotland Forever

Thank you for reading and i appreciate the continued support, please comment, share. Your friend in Scotland


Monday 12 January 2015


the above video was live posted around 2 mins ago, this day of Unity will last in our memory Forever

I can say something i never thought i,d say about the human race, for once we didnt act like animals, there was no violence from different religions, the entire every will be remembered in the history books.
I had my eyes firmly fixed on those world leader,s their arms were entwined, maybe people will say this was for show for publicity, but in my opinion it was fantastic to see.

The point of this rally, or march of all nationalities as we know, is for freedom of speech, unity, austerity, brotherhood, sisterhood, and worldwide peace, maybe it can be achieved.

The other point of this is a direct message to all member of Terrorist groups like ISIS, Taliban, Al-Queada, Hamas, Boko Haram etc, I hope they were watching because me and billions of the normal human race that stood with france after those horrific shootings, are directly telling you, it,s not you against us, its the WORLD against you, you cant run, you cant hide, the public know what to look for now, the police are on you, the world will take you down.

and on a final note to all would-be Terrorists, or as i like to call them all COWARDS WHO TWIST THE ISLAMIC RELIGION TO SUIT THEMSELVES,  take note, you have awoken a sleeping giant now, because the brotherhood of Anonymous are stepping in, remember these words, we are legion, we are ONE. And as you know Anonymous do not make threats, they make promises, so run, be scared, soon all Terror must be wiped from out planet.
Weather is be physical by military force, there,s always Cyber warfare too, noone,s taken this into consideration, the people represented below, listen, run, throw down your weapons before its too late.

All religion, free speech, austerity, and acceptance of color and creed should be mandatory, many of my friends on facebook and twitter and muslim, its only human to have these emotion, but we cant be driven by hate of other people,s respects or opinions. and here,s that short message to all Terrorists, and its happening as I type this, already two Terrorist websites have been taken down.

The Paris March brought a new day to the world we can see now, we cant stereotype the muslim faith, its just another religion,

 Ill tell you about my religion, and youll probably laugh, was made to go to church in primary school, and id be sitting there looking at my friends watching the priest do his thing, and i dont know if it was because i had a different way of thinking or what, but i was thinking, why is that man wearing a dress?, why is he drinking wine when it,s clearly illegal to have drink near minors, and why are there alter boys in dresses?, and why are the people looking at him and repeating everything like sheep, it just didnt make sense to me, it seemed like a cult to me, and this was me at age 9, so it got to the stage where my mum said to me, okay its up to you if you want to go to church or now, of course my answer was, im, done.
From then on ive checked out different faiths religions etc, but i have to say none of them make any sense to me and always involve an invisible malevolent god that nobody,s ever seen, nobody,s got an autograph, or even a photo? no that ones not for me, I think im going to be faithless, i believe rely on myself, treat people the way you want to be treated, and life will be good, maybe ive still to find some kind of faith but until then, ill just do what i do and blame everything on Aliens, thats my theory on Evolution.

I thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed, please feel free to leave feedback and share.

The Evil Scotsman 

Thursday 8 January 2015

100,000 Signatures In 30 Days Are Needed For A White House Response About Extraterrestrials

100,000 Signatures In 30 Days Are Needed For A White House Response About Extraterrestrials

Recently talking with a few of my very good friends on Twitter who politely told my my blog was growing cobwebs (you know who you are @UFOGREYS .. only kidding buddy, you were right).

So lets get this started for 2015, everyone knows i love the paranormal, UFOs, USO,s etc, and it appears  everyone is now taking a BIG interest in this subject, because when we get down to it, on social media sites like google, twitter, facebook, these sites are basically US, and what we want, the news will tell you twitter opinions dont matter, this is a lie, the authority,s are watching everyone nowadays, big brother society folks, and i believe that soon we will have a militarized planet, but thats a different subject for my next blog, and it,s a dicey subject, but i say it how it is and how i see it, so thats coming soon, but for now lets get back to the subject at hand.

So it looks like the U,S are starting to take this seriously with the growing number of UFO reports increasing worldwide.

2015 is going to be an interesting year as far as Disclosure on UFO,s and extraterrestrial life is concerned, all we need is signature,s, and im sure there are millions\billions of us that just want the truth, the evidence is now overwhelming, and has to be investigated, like i said, sign the petition, get the information to the public.

Maybe if we had something else to concentrate the human mind on outside our planet we would realize there,s more to life than fighting and killing our fellow human beings.

Thank you for taking the time to rwead this, and i always appreciate everyone,s continued support, I never get a chance to say thanks to everyone, but from me to you, you are the best most generous people i have ever had the fortune to meet, social media has opened an entire new world for us, and long may it continue my friends.  Welcome to 2015. Sign the petition and lets get some answers from the Government we deserve nothing but the truth.

I would love for you all to listen to this man below, Gary McKinnon, the only man ever to hack into NASA,s database and get away (just) with it... check it out if this isnt more smoking gun evidence i dont know what is.

So please I urge everyone to click on the Title of this blog and all you have  to do is click on the petition link, and then one click on yes and its done, we can have millions on hits on this ASAP, and the whitehouse is going to have to respond.

And if you dont believe in UFO,s and you think we,re alone in this galaxy you must be very small minded, you have to look further than the end of the street, i beg all believers sign the petition, we will see disclosure this year if we are successful. sign sign sign.
We want to know whats out there, we have to ask in one big voice.!

Thanks for reading, and i appreciate the continued support, please feel free to leave comments and share.

The Evil Scotsman.

Friday 3 October 2014


Okay, so you all know how honest i can be, and it,s got me into trouble in the past, but that,s because i feel i should tell it like it is, the Ebola outbreak is a Global crisis folks and we should be very concerned, I believe that this contagion is going worldwide.

Just recently it hit Texas, this I did not think would happen, when this hit thats when i realized that the CDC do not have this under control.
There,s conspiracy theorist,s out there that believe this is a population control measure by our underhanded devious men in black agents that nobody ever sees except after a few beers and being spiked with acid, that population control theory is ridiculous.

This disease has come from year,s of living in filth for the people of Seirra Leone, Liberia etc, its got to the stage where a new disease had sprung up and baffled scientist,s that have been ignoring these conditions for many many year,s.

Recently the man from Texas, had his family contained to their home, and then the CDC announced, another 80 people could have been infected, and just so we all know that how now risen past the hundred mark.

The video below is breaking news, I think we should all pay attention, and have a little look, cant be too careful nowadays. Always protect you and your family,s. Health and Hygiene are EVERYTHING.

Okay, so here,s my solution to this problem, its simple, easy and I have no bloody idea why is hasnt happened yet, The UK citizen who contracted the Ebola Virus, as you might all remember was returned to the UK, and CURED.!!  keep a note of that word folk,s, he,s healthy, and home and CURED.!

The video below is all the information i can get on this so called cure, but whats going on folks, is some company keeping this cure until they get the right price?, are they holding it back for a reason?
I dont know but i do know there is a CURE if this UK citizen is up doing news interviews etc, then there is a cure, Give this to the people infected, stop the deaths, and wipe Ebola out, we need to act now with this, you have a remedy out there, now make it public please. The people need it. This video proves he survived and somebody,s hiding the remedy, i want to know WHY.

Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed, i appreciated the continued support.

The Evil Scotsman.

Friday 26 September 2014

                                                           SCOTLAND VOTES NO.!!!!!

So the votes came in folk,s and after 3 long year,s of trying my best on social media to promote a YES vote, i feel i failed, i was feeling so depressed over the past few days, i mean really down.
But we must move on from this, so im picking myself up, holding my head high and still can be proud to say i voted for independence and i believe in Scotland.

I want to tell you a little about the oil in Scotland, we have it in abundance, Westminster didnt want anyone to know this, reason: westminster use this commodity to fund their wages etc, thats why panic stations sounded down south when we stood up and said, we dont need you holding our hand any more, So an invasion of all three parties down south, a load of political B.S and scaremongering, threat,s of job,s, pension,s, student loans, losing our currency and more, I believe made a lot of Scottish citizens change their votes in favour of Westminster, it was unfortunate. What the world were not told is that scotland is moving faster towards renewable energy too, I think we made a mistake and should have voted yes.

Lately on Twitter and facebook hundreds of my friends from around the world have been shocked and blown away by the NO decision as i was, there were rumours of rigging, but i cant be doing with all that, the vote,s are cast the decision is in, so we take it on the chin and march on, still a proud nation, still a proud people.
My friends from Scotland have lately been joining a political party called the SNP (Scottish National Party) Now i do not know about this, my thoughts are everywhere just now, ive been asked to join and represent, you all know i love scotland, but im not a crazy nationalist, i have a lot of different views on scotland, and the way things should be handled over here, in fact i have an idea for a new political party involving the #The45 on twitter (please check this trend my friends and show support for them, these are my people.

Here,s an example of what i said and expected to happen if there were a no vote (and there was).
1. Fracking : I said it would start, and of course rumours abound westminster are planning fracking in scotland soon.
2. Promised Devo Powers if NO Vote: I said westminster would find something else to concentrate on if there were a no vote (and there was) Westmisnster since the vote have said NOTHING about devolved power,s, it has been avoided, and i believe the no voter,s in scotland must be kicking themselves right about now.
3 NHS Privatisation: I told people we need the NHS in scotland in the people,s hands, if course as you know it was a no vote. :  Now: Threats that the NHS WILL be privatized by westminster, this i knew was coming my friends, the the only solution that i can think of is too maybe join the SNP, this is a life choice, I agree with some, in fact most of their policies, but not all , so time will tell, if i join, it makes scotland,s representation down south so much stronger (thats what the #The45 movement on twitter, facebook, you tube etc is all about).  So we shall see, In the coming weeks, i shall make the decision to join this party or not. But one thing i know, we need the representation in Westminster for Scotland that will have the majority of seats.

Once again, i appreciate you taking the time to read this, hope you enjoyed, and all input is welcome.

The Evil Scotsman.