Sunday 26 June 2016

                                     Brexit and The UK Government Collapse

Results in on the 23rd June 2016, 32% of Scotland vote to leave, 68% of scots vote to stay, result, overall Majority for a stay vote from Scotland, Down south in England, overall majority to Leave (Apart from London of course because that's where all the rich fatcats live).
So we get dragged out against our will.
Immediately this causes problems and Nicola Sturgeon immediately informs the people of Scotland we should now have a second independence referendum. This is Good news.!

2 hours after the result David Cameron announces his resignation, he'll be gone by October this year.

2 days in, The Bank of England Manager advises there will be NO changes as far as finances go, no surprise there, although the pound fell against the dollar, but I think this is going to change as time goes on, and things will get much better, well, that is for Scotland since down south right now is in total chaos, check it out.

Today, Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party had a little (BIG) problem, 7 of his party so far just today have resigned, demanding he resigns, he says hes going nowhere, in my opinion this guys far too quiet for me, the country needs someone with a sensible voice, ie Nicola.

As far as the Prime Minister positions concerned, I don't think Westminster has a plan, everyone wants order, all we have is chaos, what I'm waiting for is George Osbourne to make an appearance, that guy seems to have dropped off the Earth and gone into hiding. He should resign.

So what happens now, here you go, the SNP invoke a clause which could allow Scotland to stay IN the EU, or first we invoke our second Indyref, which I predict with absolutely no doubt now, would be a resounding YES to leave the UK vote, but remain in the EU, complicated right, but whose fault is this? we all know the answer.
So here's to David Cameron shooting himself in the foot, here's to the people of the UK who proved they can defeat the rich If they shout loud enough, and here's to Nicola Sturgeon for keeping it together while down south continues to implode.
Even as I type this more resignations from the  Labour Party continue to fly in, what a damn mess.
Thank you for reading, thought  I better update this blog, I haven't been doing it lately ..... because Ive been busy as hell, but I'm back, I got my podcast sorted, got guests coming up live weekdays, so check out the podcast, already got lots of listeners, and the guests I have coming on are awesome. If youd like to listen in, the links in my twitter and google bio page. Join in and have a laugh.

The Evil Scotsman.

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