Friday 9 December 2016

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Hubsan H501s Drone UFO Hunting With The Evil Scotsman

New, sound being added as I type, should be fine by the time I'm finished this sentence, please enjoy, subscribe to my channel, comment share, thank you.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Hubsan X4 Drone Footage FPV

Entire Playlist, UFO hunting, Scotland Scenery, and please check my crowdfunding project below, all support would be so greatly appreciated to help a dream come true.

The Evil Scotsman And Hubsan X4 Drone over Scotland

Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Evil Scotsman And Hubsan X4 Drone over Scotland

UFO Hunting at night With the Hubsan X4 Drone

Hubsan X4 FPV Brushless Drone Sunrise over The River Clyde

Hubsan X4 FPV Brushless Drone over Inverclyde with The Evil Scotsman

Hubsan X4 Drone Day Flight over Port Glasgow Inverclyde, overlooking the...

UFO Hunting with the Hubsan H501s X4 Drone with The Evil Scotsman

Hubsan X4 Drone over Inverclyde with The Evil Scotsman.

UFO Hunting with the Hubsan X4 H501S Drone over Scotland

UFO Hunting at night With Hubsan X4 Drone FPV Mode with The Evil Scotsman

Saturday 20 August 2016

The Evil Scotsman Ghost and UFO Investigation Team.

                                The Evil Scotsman presents
           Scotland UFO and Paranormal Investigation Team

We begin a new venture in this chapter of The Evil Scotsman's life, things have picked up with regards to my favourite subjects, the Paranormal, and especially the UFO and conspiracy theories. As you all know this is what I feel I was born to do, five days ago I launched this venture, and here's the reasons why, The Evil Scotsman Podcast is up running, and in full effect, and in the past week I had 3 live shows, all fantastic special guests, so to start with ill give you a look and listen to the show, here's the link to check it out, feel free to contact me or drop me a Tweet or comment and let me know what you think. I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Also along with this motivational boost, and the interaction with my friends on Twitter, Google + and other Social Media Sites, the following and interest i have built to me, is incredible, i never knew so many people would be interested in the same things as myself.
There's so many people who interact with me on a daily basis on the UFO, and Paranormal topics, I do my best to bring you the best, and i only bring facts, as you all know. The media lie, and i feel a collective conscience among all human being beginning, everyones waking up, we want the truth, i promise, I'm going to get the truth, and I WILL work for YOU.! 

Now, it's time for The Evil Scotsman to go bigger, lets face it, we watch these Ghosthunter series on T.V, and don't get me wrong, some are interesting, some are farcical, so what i want to do, is something new, something innovative, I want to bring you UFO and Paranormal Investigations LIVE to your homes, streaming all the time. And my friends here have proven they have 100% confidence in me, they listen to me, i answer everyone, and I promise I will put FULL effort into making this a success with your help, so please lets make this dream come to fruition, help a mans dream come true, and ive already promised, if this becomes a success, which I'm sure it will, I will QUIT my current job, and go FULL TIME on this project for every single one of you, check out the site, click, share, and even a donation would be appreciated from the bottom of my heart, donations are NOT obligatory, this is a self made venture, and together WE can make this a success, have a click, see what you think, comments and shares, and even a little donation would be awesome, as i aim to build this team.

If you like, lets do this, lets get the truth, let me bring it to you live, Ill get the interviews with people that matter when it comes to conspiracies, Ill travel to UFO, Paranormal and conspiracy Hotspots and bring every bit of it to you live. The Truth is Here.

From the bottom of The Evil Scotsman's Heart Thank you for reading, thank you for staying with me, and most of all, thank you for being my friend as i live a very solitary life.

The Evil Scotsman

Sunday 26 June 2016

                                     Brexit and The UK Government Collapse

Results in on the 23rd June 2016, 32% of Scotland vote to leave, 68% of scots vote to stay, result, overall Majority for a stay vote from Scotland, Down south in England, overall majority to Leave (Apart from London of course because that's where all the rich fatcats live).
So we get dragged out against our will.
Immediately this causes problems and Nicola Sturgeon immediately informs the people of Scotland we should now have a second independence referendum. This is Good news.!

2 hours after the result David Cameron announces his resignation, he'll be gone by October this year.

2 days in, The Bank of England Manager advises there will be NO changes as far as finances go, no surprise there, although the pound fell against the dollar, but I think this is going to change as time goes on, and things will get much better, well, that is for Scotland since down south right now is in total chaos, check it out.

Today, Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party had a little (BIG) problem, 7 of his party so far just today have resigned, demanding he resigns, he says hes going nowhere, in my opinion this guys far too quiet for me, the country needs someone with a sensible voice, ie Nicola.

As far as the Prime Minister positions concerned, I don't think Westminster has a plan, everyone wants order, all we have is chaos, what I'm waiting for is George Osbourne to make an appearance, that guy seems to have dropped off the Earth and gone into hiding. He should resign.

So what happens now, here you go, the SNP invoke a clause which could allow Scotland to stay IN the EU, or first we invoke our second Indyref, which I predict with absolutely no doubt now, would be a resounding YES to leave the UK vote, but remain in the EU, complicated right, but whose fault is this? we all know the answer.
So here's to David Cameron shooting himself in the foot, here's to the people of the UK who proved they can defeat the rich If they shout loud enough, and here's to Nicola Sturgeon for keeping it together while down south continues to implode.
Even as I type this more resignations from the  Labour Party continue to fly in, what a damn mess.
Thank you for reading, thought  I better update this blog, I haven't been doing it lately ..... because Ive been busy as hell, but I'm back, I got my podcast sorted, got guests coming up live weekdays, so check out the podcast, already got lots of listeners, and the guests I have coming on are awesome. If youd like to listen in, the links in my twitter and google bio page. Join in and have a laugh.

The Evil Scotsman.

Saturday 9 April 2016

                                                      Back In Full Effect

Greetings folks, from the land of the haggis and bagpipes, and welcome once again from The Evil Scotsman to a new wee blog to let you know how things are going just now.

In the past months time hasn't been on my side so I couldn't do much online, but now, I have a lot of new things sorted out.
what I'd really appreciate my friends is for everyone who reads this, please subscribe to my new online sites, all free, and all welcome.
Here's the links for you to peruse and enjoy. you know me my stuff just keeps getting better.

for my you tube channel, please subscribe at

I'm looking to hit the 10k subscription number, and all the help in the world would be appreciated.

Here's my new Googe + Page, and as usual please subscribe and ill subscribe right back.

Always enjoy meeting new people on google and Twitter, I have a facebook account, but that's kind of a private thing for me, I believe that's a thing for family and close friends only, as it can cause a lot of problems, in fact, you watch any of these stupid daytime tv show,s most of them are based on failed or violent relationships that started through facebook or some kind of dating site, no more social contact in this day and age, weird.

But anyway, once again thank you all for taking the time to read, and ill be back at the blogging on a regular basis now.

The Evil Scotsman

Thursday 24 March 2016

                                                     Events On My Mind

A blog today, because there's lots on my mind, just random things, so I'll go through them one by one.
The first one I want to address, and as you all know I'm a big time UFO and believer in alien existence, so just in the past 3 weeks NASA announced they received signals from outside our solar system, and today these signals are repeating, take a look.

Awesome stuff right? Now here's where it gets even better folks, I always said 2016 would be the year of disclosure, and news broke just 4 days ago from NASA and this is astonishing, and it's NOT  From outer space, but it's NOT human, check it out, this is from right here at home, and things are getting real interesting, this is a story that's going viral big time, it's hitting the news channels even over here.

There's been a conspiracy about this hollow earth theory and there's been a lot of activity in the Antarctic by China, Russia, America, Japan, and the UK up there recently, something bits going to break soon, looking forward to it so much.

Alright, next on my thoughts is this blooming Brexit thing David Cameron's pushed us into, Scotland is divided with thoughts on this, the SNP want to stay, I've spoken to hundreds of regular Joes, they want to leave, we don't know what's going to happen here, I think it'd be better for Scotland to stay in the EU, and Cameron's shot himself in the foot here, even his cabinet are divided and imploding as I type, let's just see what happens, but I'd like you to see our FM Nicola Sturgeon talking about our future, very thoughtful, a people person, and someone I think can take us into the future, enjoy, we did.

On a last not, and sadly gain, these Damn terrorists have struck again in Brussels, my thoughts are with the people and families involved, and you know, Obama said something that struck a chord with ME (that doesn't happen often) he said, no matter our colour, faith, nationality, we have to come together as 1 to fight this common enemy that is terrorism, very poignant words, and I thoroughly believe that.

Well, thanks for reading , hope you enjoyed and it's been a while, so hello to everyone, and have a great Easter weekend, from your friendly neighbour Scotsman, Edward.

The Evil Scotsman

Monday 29 February 2016

                                                       Monday Thoughts

Just a wee update on current affairs in the UK, so we all know about this Brexit in\out referendum that's going on right now right? Well I have to say this madness has caused more arguments than a drunken night out in glasgow, the entire UK is in an uproar, the SNP want to stay, I think we need to stay, not because we want to, I mean even the EU members are unhappy with the EU itself but it's the business gateway to the globe. Many of my fellow Scots are desperate to get out, this is going to be a close one here. Even David Cameron's main man, Boris Johnson the mayor of London has turned on Cameron and says he wants out, to me it feels like Cameron would love a closed country, and that's not good for business, we need to stay in the loop.

Away from that subject because it's doing my nut in, I don't like being forced into a decision that's doing nothing but benefiting the rich.
Life in general just now is good, plodding along, business is going well, employees are happy and I'm still doing my thing outside of work with the UFO and conspiracy subject, and this is getting big, the UFO sightings are up 100% since January, I said it before, and again in say 2016 will be the year of disclosure.

Just want to take a wee second to say thank you to everyone that reads my blog, it's very cool that I can make friends all over the world, and let you all know what's going on over here, everyone I speak with seems to be awesome! Of course you always get one or two complete Bawbags on here, but that's what the block buttons for yes?.

Anyway, this was just a short one for now and #TheEvilScotsman will continue to deliver the truth about life, the unexplained, politics, and a bit of everything, including a smile because I always like to put a smile on faces, so folks, have an awesome day and enjoy, stay safe and take care of each other, that's what being human means, we need each other nowadays more than ever.

Thanks for having a wee read, and again, thanks for being there.



Sunday 3 January 2016

                         Welcome to 2016 from The Evil Scotsman

So, it's been a while since I've been here, thought I'd better dust off the cobwebs and get the blog going again, first of all, I've had a great time meeting all the new folk on social media and always having my regular friends there too, so I want you to know I remember you, and appreciate you every day of the week, that's the truth. Here we go, and I'll try not to whine... too much.

A happy New year to all of my friends, readers who've stuck by me, always stayed in touch, whether it be once a day, or once a year, it's always great to know your all other, and the folks reading know who you are.
2015, let's be honest was a horrible year for the majority of us, even christmas was ruined for millions, the message that sends is that now it's on our doorsteps we're going to have to step up the messages we send to our governments, we the UK need more money pumped into it to protect everyone from this flooding, the country's a mess and Mr Cameron's out buying new private jets, makes sense.... not.
But as this year starts we all know Scotland still has that dream of independence in or hearts, and that dream may soon be a reality which I would welcome with open arms.

This year my resolution was the same I stuck with one I made around 14 years ago, which was NOT  to make any more resolutions! It's been working for me, and I suppose at least I'm consistent.

So, this was just my welcome blog for 2016, I do believe this year we WILL have full UFO disclosure, I do believe NASA will have colonies on mars by 2018 as congress just gave permission to start the process, I do believe there are killer comets and asteroids headed our way, this is the reason we got to get to mars, we the public are being told nothing.

Something else I thoroughly believe, is that this ISIS lot will be wiped out very shortly, and let's face it, this is thanks to Putin kicking everyone's arses over there.

There's something extremely worrying for me right now though, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are on the brink of nuclear war, and we all know it, I'll tell you what, when that Iran nuclear deal was being made, I watchedTthe news a lot! And I saw people in Iran shouting death to America, yet that stupid deal went through, Iran now has nuclear capabilities, and its a matter of time, maybe weeks or days, hopefully it's resolved, but I can't see that happening any time soon. If a war happens their we have no one to blame but ourselves for standing by and watch it happen.

Okay, I've gone on enough, so my friends, I hope the year ahead for you and the families is fantastic, I'm going to keep up the blogging, doing the podcasts, have a few shows lined up, which is cool because I love letting loads of people hear me complain or joke or just do my thing, always good fun. Keep in touch folks, always a tweet away, all the best and I'll still be delivering the best in UFO,s etc, all validated, zero fake. Cheers all, and have a great 2016, from your friendly neighborhood Scotsman, Edward.

The Evil Scotsman