Wednesday 30 October 2013

Today I kind of want to digress once again from independence for scotland, For a change a wanna say something about comet ISON, this has got the world talking, and dont worry this isnt gonna be boring like those stupid vids and things you see on U-tube, Im Just going to tell you Theories (some of which are quite wild) and My own personal opinion, thats it, so here,s some of the theories first...

Comet Ison Is Actually a Craft
Comet Ison Is being Escorted By two or more UFO\Craft.
Comet Ison is star Wormwood.
Comet Ison is Planet X \ Nibiru
Comet Ison is going to wipe out most life on this planet and this is the reason for the goverment shutdown, nasa shutdown, FEMA camps being exposed etc   ..

Now like i say, all of the above are theories, but in my own personal opinion, all i can say on comet ISON is, Like all of us, Ill Wait and see.! After all seeing is believing, but believing is also being optimistic, so we shall see in the next month or so what happens, i have a feeling the worlds going to see it though.

Take a listen to this character here, thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated, as i love this kind of subject, thank.

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