Tuesday 29 October 2013

This one today is going to be about what i hate most, politics, BUT BEFORE YOU HIT THE X BUTTON, CHECK OUT WHAT I THINK...

Would you rather watch a bunch of stuck of politicians sit around in parlaiment or 'Classroom' as i like to call it, and argue about problems they have, and NEVER  do ANYTHING ABOUT IT.!!!  #TruthHurts
Im going to digress from our upcoming Independence referendum for a bit...

SO, what if, the everyday average Joe (or Edd)  like myself stood up in front of you, pointed out the problems HEAD ON ie:

Gang Culture
Hard Class A Drugs
Single Mother Help etc, the list goes on, But i Believe, If enough people listened to me, and let me Voice my Opinion, and then i could if plain view of EVERYONE, ACT on these problems, get them solved, and make our beautiful country a much better place than it already is.

The Evil Scotsman.

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