Saturday 20 August 2016

The Evil Scotsman Ghost and UFO Investigation Team.

                                The Evil Scotsman presents
           Scotland UFO and Paranormal Investigation Team

We begin a new venture in this chapter of The Evil Scotsman's life, things have picked up with regards to my favourite subjects, the Paranormal, and especially the UFO and conspiracy theories. As you all know this is what I feel I was born to do, five days ago I launched this venture, and here's the reasons why, The Evil Scotsman Podcast is up running, and in full effect, and in the past week I had 3 live shows, all fantastic special guests, so to start with ill give you a look and listen to the show, here's the link to check it out, feel free to contact me or drop me a Tweet or comment and let me know what you think. I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Also along with this motivational boost, and the interaction with my friends on Twitter, Google + and other Social Media Sites, the following and interest i have built to me, is incredible, i never knew so many people would be interested in the same things as myself.
There's so many people who interact with me on a daily basis on the UFO, and Paranormal topics, I do my best to bring you the best, and i only bring facts, as you all know. The media lie, and i feel a collective conscience among all human being beginning, everyones waking up, we want the truth, i promise, I'm going to get the truth, and I WILL work for YOU.! 

Now, it's time for The Evil Scotsman to go bigger, lets face it, we watch these Ghosthunter series on T.V, and don't get me wrong, some are interesting, some are farcical, so what i want to do, is something new, something innovative, I want to bring you UFO and Paranormal Investigations LIVE to your homes, streaming all the time. And my friends here have proven they have 100% confidence in me, they listen to me, i answer everyone, and I promise I will put FULL effort into making this a success with your help, so please lets make this dream come to fruition, help a mans dream come true, and ive already promised, if this becomes a success, which I'm sure it will, I will QUIT my current job, and go FULL TIME on this project for every single one of you, check out the site, click, share, and even a donation would be appreciated from the bottom of my heart, donations are NOT obligatory, this is a self made venture, and together WE can make this a success, have a click, see what you think, comments and shares, and even a little donation would be awesome, as i aim to build this team.

If you like, lets do this, lets get the truth, let me bring it to you live, Ill get the interviews with people that matter when it comes to conspiracies, Ill travel to UFO, Paranormal and conspiracy Hotspots and bring every bit of it to you live. The Truth is Here.

From the bottom of The Evil Scotsman's Heart Thank you for reading, thank you for staying with me, and most of all, thank you for being my friend as i live a very solitary life.

The Evil Scotsman