Saturday 9 April 2016

                                                      Back In Full Effect

Greetings folks, from the land of the haggis and bagpipes, and welcome once again from The Evil Scotsman to a new wee blog to let you know how things are going just now.

In the past months time hasn't been on my side so I couldn't do much online, but now, I have a lot of new things sorted out.
what I'd really appreciate my friends is for everyone who reads this, please subscribe to my new online sites, all free, and all welcome.
Here's the links for you to peruse and enjoy. you know me my stuff just keeps getting better.

for my you tube channel, please subscribe at

I'm looking to hit the 10k subscription number, and all the help in the world would be appreciated.

Here's my new Googe + Page, and as usual please subscribe and ill subscribe right back.

Always enjoy meeting new people on google and Twitter, I have a facebook account, but that's kind of a private thing for me, I believe that's a thing for family and close friends only, as it can cause a lot of problems, in fact, you watch any of these stupid daytime tv show,s most of them are based on failed or violent relationships that started through facebook or some kind of dating site, no more social contact in this day and age, weird.

But anyway, once again thank you all for taking the time to read, and ill be back at the blogging on a regular basis now.

The Evil Scotsman