Thursday 24 March 2016

                                                     Events On My Mind

A blog today, because there's lots on my mind, just random things, so I'll go through them one by one.
The first one I want to address, and as you all know I'm a big time UFO and believer in alien existence, so just in the past 3 weeks NASA announced they received signals from outside our solar system, and today these signals are repeating, take a look.

Awesome stuff right? Now here's where it gets even better folks, I always said 2016 would be the year of disclosure, and news broke just 4 days ago from NASA and this is astonishing, and it's NOT  From outer space, but it's NOT human, check it out, this is from right here at home, and things are getting real interesting, this is a story that's going viral big time, it's hitting the news channels even over here.

There's been a conspiracy about this hollow earth theory and there's been a lot of activity in the Antarctic by China, Russia, America, Japan, and the UK up there recently, something bits going to break soon, looking forward to it so much.

Alright, next on my thoughts is this blooming Brexit thing David Cameron's pushed us into, Scotland is divided with thoughts on this, the SNP want to stay, I've spoken to hundreds of regular Joes, they want to leave, we don't know what's going to happen here, I think it'd be better for Scotland to stay in the EU, and Cameron's shot himself in the foot here, even his cabinet are divided and imploding as I type, let's just see what happens, but I'd like you to see our FM Nicola Sturgeon talking about our future, very thoughtful, a people person, and someone I think can take us into the future, enjoy, we did.

On a last not, and sadly gain, these Damn terrorists have struck again in Brussels, my thoughts are with the people and families involved, and you know, Obama said something that struck a chord with ME (that doesn't happen often) he said, no matter our colour, faith, nationality, we have to come together as 1 to fight this common enemy that is terrorism, very poignant words, and I thoroughly believe that.

Well, thanks for reading , hope you enjoyed and it's been a while, so hello to everyone, and have a great Easter weekend, from your friendly neighbour Scotsman, Edward.

The Evil Scotsman