Thursday 3 December 2015

                                                       Stamp Out Racism

A day ago I received a tweet telling me, "you know nothing about racism because you've never experienced any form of it" now to me that was a personal insult, the following story I'm going to tell you is based on fact, and I can tell you from personal experience I DO know about racism.

At the age of 5 I met a young lad the same age as me, his and my mum were great friends, his name was Jonas, he was the only kid in a tough Scottish housing estate with a different coloured skin, now me and him got on like a house in fire, to this day he's my friend, but things happened later in life and I know why.
There were the local bullies in the scheme, you know, the drug dealers, the people who thought they were hard because they had big families etc... arseholes in other words.
One night myself and Jonas were up in my room just messing around as you do as a kid, my front door got knocked and my mum shouted for me, it was around six of these racist fools, and what they said next shocked me to the core, I'll never forget it, and I was only 5 or 6 years old, one of them whispered (so my mum couldn't hear) "we're on a N hunt" "where is he so we can kick the life out of him and burn him". I told them I have no idea where he was, and by the way, I myself refuse to use the N word, it disgusts me nearly as much as those scumbags who hassled my friend for years.
The next night my front door got knocked frantically, my mum and dad were out, it was Jonas, he said "please help, let me in, I've been running for hours, they're going to kill me" so of course in done the only thing a true friend would do, I got him inside, and asked him should we tell the police or his mum or mine, but all through the years he was adamant not to involve anyone and go through this, and I'm proud to say I stood by him all the way, and to think he was treated this way all because of the colour of his skin, absolutely pathetic.
Another unfortunate fact about Jonas, is that his original father had left home, and his step dad was NOT a pleasant man, many a night I stayed over, and he called Jonas a dirty little unwanted black b! We were children I told my mum about it eventually because it was getting out of control, my mum called the cops, nothing changed!.

I'm going to jump straight to the point of this story, racism exists in those with Zero intellect, racists are small minded, ignorant and make me angry as he'll, just remember we all bleed red, we all feel pain, I'll tell you, later in life Jonas grew up, and at the age of 25, he got a hold of his step dad and kicked the living he'll out of him for all those years of mental and physical abuse, then he went after those bullies from the younger years and done the exact same, his life spiralled into crime and let me tell you whose fault this is, it's society's fault, we can't look at colours any more, the human race should be past this stupidity and more tolerant of every colour, culture, wherever people come from, so I HAVE seen racism up close and personal, I have experienced it with my friend, and it needs to be STAMPED OUT.
The human race can be better and bigger than this my friends.

I do hope you enjoyed reading, and remember I only deliver facts and truth, so if you want to, feel free to comment, share, subscribe, and as always thank you for the continued support.

