Saturday 5 September 2015

                               Common Sense In The UK

Just before i get to the common sense in the UK part of my blog today, I want to highlight the amount of murder,s and shootings there,s been in America and not just in the past few years, i,m talking altogether, since the right to bear arms amendment was passed, please remember before anyone starts thinking who is this guy to tell us how we should live when he,s from another country with no clue as to what goes on in America today, this is just the perspective and opinion of someone outside looking in, so please take no offence to what i say.

I hear folk,s in the U.S say they cant even go to the shop,s without putting a gun in a handbag or holster, what a scary way to live. The biggest threat we faced growing up and even today was someone grabbing you, threatening to kick your head in, or just getting biffed in the teeth, although I will admit as time,s passing over here we have a bit of a knife culture and junkie hoodie problem, it isn't bad, and it,s a dying breed, the next generation I believe will be a lot more cultured, educated and street smart, all working hard hopefully.

When you put how i grew up into perspective, that was easy compared to the American folks, we have it so cool over here, but everyone know,s, the violence is spreading, and I don't know if it can be controlled, that is unless Congress gets it,s finger out, and listens to Obama and starts putting a lot more control on domestic firearms, to me, it,s amazing that you have gun shops on practically every street corner, you know why? .. because your Government wants you to KILL each other, its that simple.

I think Obama,s got it right for once, take the guns away and watch the crime rate fall Bigtime, millions of people are going to disagree with me here, but a Gun free society, even the police only have Tasers, is a great and extremely peaceful way to live, and a brilliant environment to bring kids up in, and to educate them into that way of thinking is the best idea, instead of taking them to a gun range, or even worse, hunting, that disgusts me.  Put it this way, how many more school, college, street, campus, army base and normal suburban areas are going to have to suffer a madman with a gun on a killing spree before Congress WAKES UP. In the end its down to the population of the U.S to decide whether you want guns or not, bottom line.

If it,s gone beyond the point of control now what i can foresee is a very bleak future for the States, which is a shame because I have loads of family there and hate the face that I know on any given day they could be shot, my cousin once had a gun held to his head when the Gas station he worked at in Florida was robbed, he walked away unhurt though, so all good thank goodness. Lets just wait and see what happens. Then again who the hell am i to say anything anyway.

Right okay iv,e had a rant about guns, so onto my next subject i,d like to complain about, the headline up there also read,s common sense in the UK, this is when i start shouting about the Faslane Nuclear base that,s situated on the River Clyde around a mile or 2 away from me and my family. And here,s a shocking fact, did you know that Westminster stated if there were ever a nuclear or chemical disaster at Faslane, the loss of lives would be Tolerable.!!!!! What the F$$K is that supposed to mean, it means our existence mean nothing to our supreme masters down south in Westminster. Here,s the radius that would be screwed if anything happened, and I,m in that radius.

3 day ago, Mr Pompous George Osborne sneaked up to Scotland and after telling the entire country they were completely broke and had to reduce the deficit, and money was so tight they had to cut thousands off from benefits, and get this, the death rate through being sanctioned by the DWP is higher than the Death rate,s through MURDER, so in effect, our Government,s are legally killing people by making them fall into hole,s too deep to climb out of, resulting in suicide,s going through the roof right now.

With all this going on, all of a sudden he springs up and shouts, oh by the way (reaches into his pocket) and state,s here,s £500 MILLION I,d like to pump into the renewal of Trident and more Nuclear weapons, which lets be honest, they,ll never get used, some call it a deterrent, i call it a Bullseye for any wannabe terrorists, or maybe Putins feeling a bit froggy, that's the first port of call for him to fire at.

I speak on behalf of over 70% of Scots, we don,t want this in MY country, we don,t want English colonialism to come back, and thats how i see this, Osborne is trying to make Scotland his base of operations for all Nuclear and Military operations center, and WE the people and the SNP will not stand for it, here,s what Nicola Sturgeon had to say about this arrogance of the Conservative Party and Westminster policies.

The way it stands in the so called Better Together UK right now, is that we are clearly NOT better together, and a second Independence Referendum Looms on the Horizon, and we will see it in our lifetime, they say down south we,re trying to break up the union, this is lies, do you want Scotland turned into Westminster,s playground for Nuclear weapons, pollution and B.S cuts, crap wages, zero hours contract jobs, NO of course we don't. Independence in coming, the sooner the better, do you want these things sitting across the water from you, and your children, here,s a couple of pics, very eerie looking things these submarine,s and look at the size of them, shocking. Bring on #IndyRef2 and follow me on Twitter @Eddkelly75 hashtag  #TheEvilScotsman Please share if you enjoyed, any feedback,s more than welcome.


Thank you very much for reading.


Thursday 3 September 2015

                                                      OUR WORLD SO FAR

Thought i,d better get back to the Blogging as iv,e been letting it grow cobwebs now for quite some time, there,s a few subject i,d like to talk about, the first one is of course the one that,s all over the news just now, the Migrant Crisis.
Now let,s face it, whose to blame for this in the first place, we all know that answer, America and Europe, Cameron and Obama etc decide to turn these people.s home,s into HELL ON EARTH, and expect no comeback, well here,s the comeback, we have Millions of migrants dying daily, risking their lives, asking News reporters to take their babies to the UK, crawling into trucks, under fence,s, and what do we do about it, the almighty brains in Westminster say, lets build higher fence,s, smart eh?.
Here,s a suggestion, its not a solution, but a possible way to calm the problem, because it,s a double edged sword here, we all know they need us, but the Migrants, or as i will now refer to them as PEOPLE have no identification, no passport,s not even a NAME, so we cant say come on in, without knowing if it,s a threat to our National security or not, ok so, lets provide these people with camps, food, heat for gods sake,s, or on the other hand, we all know there are Obama,s FEMA camp,s placed worldwide, is this what he was expecting? is this what these camps are for?. you decide on this one. There,s lots more, in face too much to said about this crisis, and it,s just going to get worse im afraid.

Next on my list is the upcoming events THIS Month folks, yep, its that time of the Year again where all the conspiracy theorists come together and pick a date in the year predicting the End of the World.
It,s a strange month, and there,s a lot happening, here,s whats coming up this month, and it,s all fact my friends, i try to bring you the truth.
1: The pope visits the Whitehouse between 23rd September and 28th September
2: Solar Flares predicted again between the 23rd and 28th, possibly major happening.?
3: Pope to address Congress on 28th, nobody know why.
4: Last Blood Moon on 28th September, same day Pope addresses Congress with Obama.
Now if that hasn't got you thinking then i dont know what will, check it out.

The third and final thing i,d like to talk about is of course the politics going on just now over here, just the other day we had the Chancellor George Osborne (god i hate these title,s these guys have, all stolen and made up title,s by rich pompous bawbags... i digress) well, he came up to Scotland and decided that all of a sudden he,s going to invest £500 MILLION into renewing the nuclear base Trident which is around 1 mile away from where i stay, totally unacceptable in my books, especially after saying they needed money to pay off their precious deficit, I mean, where the hells this money coming from, why,s he trying to turn Scotland into his own private little Military Zone, myself and the SNP led by Nicola Sturgeon will fight this with everything we have in our heart,s, now as it stand,s Cameron always said we,re better together, we all finally know now, we were NEVER better together, and I can assure you all from very solid and reliable source,s we WILL see Independence in our Lifetimes here in the land of the Brave.

We dont want Nuclear Weapons here, so the fight will never end to get this Trident Plan Removed.

On a final note, i,d like to say, Iv,e missed everyone and sorry i havent been busy with this, after the Conservatives won iv,e had writer,s block Bigtime, but I,m back, and brains on overtime, so hello to all my friends, its excellent to be back on, hope alls good with all of you and your families, iv,e missed this. Hope you all enjoyed the wee update and opinions, and catch me on Twitter to @Eddkelly75 because I,d like to stay in touch with all of you, seems today on Twitter you,d be lucky to get a reply from any so called Celebrity nowadays, except of course myself, im no celeb, but i,ll always make sure and reply to Everyone that takes the time to talk with me. Thank you All, and please share if you enjoyed. Please also hit me up (that was me trying to sound cool... failed.) on the hashtag #TheEvilScotsman


                                                            THE EVIL SCOTSMAN