Saturday 9 May 2015


Okay so the results are in and finalized, Ed Miliband the leader of the Labour Party has resigned and stepped down, Labour M.P,s around Scotland wiped out, the clear winner,s for us are the SNP lead by the wee diamond that is Nicola Sturgeon, bur unfortunately for down south the winners there  (although i still have my doubts and am still dubious about those numbers, especially after the exit polls... shady) are David Camerons Conservative Party, and as far as im concerned for England it,s a damn shame and another 5 years of hell and cuts for everyone, kids leaving school have no benefits for 2 years, but are given a Zero hours contact, which means having to rely on a text on their mobile to tell them if they have work that day, absolute madness. I want to help England out of this horrible situation so much.

Iv,e been thinking about this madness, and believe it or not as i write this, there are riots and protests going on outside Westminster that is NOT being covered by any news channel, coincidence folk,s eh?

Here,s my icing on my cake folks, im going to show you all a map  of the way things looked before and after these general elections, and it was the Scotland referendum that really woke people up to the way we get treated, here,s the result after the scottish vote and remember the yellow represents the SNP, my people, the right people.

So, here,s the next thing to hit the UK, Mr Cameron (in his infinite wisdom) has deemed it wise to let the people of the United ( and the term united is a joke right now) kingdom have, is an in or out EU Referendum, and lets face it, im always honest, everyone know,s it,s in our best interest to stay IN the EU, only small narrow minded people like UKIP would want to cut itself off from such a great opportunity to expand, so i always to say to my Scottish brothers and sisters, stay in the EU, screw what Cameron think,s and thats all he,s offering already knowing we,ll vote to stay in, its so messed up.

Here,s where the kicker come,s in for Scotland, and i have to say its bloody terrible for Ireland, Wales, and ever England, the people down there have been screaming for change, and it didnt happen, nobody knows who voted Conservative, no positive or trending tweets on social media, there,s something wrong there, and im sure you,ll all agree.

What i,d like to put across to the people in Ireland, Wales (especially who have NO mandate atall) and the REAL people in England .. think about it, If Nicola Sturgeon,s party didnt have the word NATIONAL, in it you,d look at it more than twice, I am for Scotland but i am sick of seeing my family in england and wales suffer because of conservative cuts and adjustments to people,s income,s or benefits.this is no good, I tweeted a day ago 'my cousins say if Cameron gets in again we,re moving to Scotland Forever'   ... and believe it or not folk,s, they moved back today, because up here, they Will be SAFE.

This is now when i come back to the voting system in the UK, its so messed up because of ... the bottom line ..... POPULATION.!!!    we need Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the REAL people of England to stand up be heard, and the SNP the entire country of SCOTLAND and especially ME .. I WILL STAND |UP FOR YOU.!!!! please come to us, support us, we need to stop the rich fatcats sitting there laughing at you and me, and we work we pay taxes, they laugh at us, screw that, lets end this, scotland leads the way. stand with us Ireland Wales and England, you are all welcome in our beautiful country,

Just on an additional note on a different day, today is the 04\06\2015, and today the Chancellor (the grey alien) George Osbourne announced that the Tory,s will now be selling off Britains remaining 30% of the Royal Mails public sector to private company,s.
I didnt want to say this, but i told you so, people who voted Tory, all i have to say on this is, YOU WERE FOOLED AGAIN. The Tory,s are going to tear Wales and Ireland apart my friends, thanks goodness we have the SNP as a barrier against this so called Monachy and corrupt Government who wont even disclose years of child abuse allegations to the police, and here,s me thinking the law had more power than them, apprently not,!.   and thats me for today.

Thank you for reading.